Chapter Twenty-Two: New Direction

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Lucy POV:

As I came too I opened my eyes to see a clear blue sky. At first I just lay there and watched the clouds roll by, it was only when I tried remembering what happened that pain struck.

"Oh my head, what in Mavis' name hit me?"

I had only just started to lift my hand to my head to see why I had the mother of all headaches when I barely kept in a scream as I moved. My whole right side hurt, especially the ribs on the lower right. Slowly sitting up as I took stock of my condition, I realised that my chest and whole right arm were wrapped in bandages and that several cuts on my legs had been treated with Virgo's special cream (the smell was unmistakeable). Assuming Virgo had fixed me up I turned and got a shock as lying down not far from my side on what I now realised was Aries' wool was Pantherlily. Knowing where one was the other would follow, I slowly twisted trying not to aggravate my back too much and managed to look over my shoulder; low and behold there was Gajeel leaning against a nearby tree fast asleep.

"Miss Lucy, are you alright?"

Jerking my head back around which only took seconds to realise was a huge mistake I barely stopped myself from groaning as the pain from my ribs vehemently protested. Sucking in a semi-deep breath, I waved at Patherlily to tell him to give me a second to focus passed the pain. Once the pain passed I shuffled myself across the wool to the edge and turned to face him.

"I'm alright Lily, I take it that it was you that patched me up. Thank you. Though I have to ask, what the two of you are doing here? I thought I left you both back at Little Root."

Just as Pantherlily was about to explain I heard a grunt and several swear words come from behind me. Knowing who it must be I carefully this time looked back to see Gajeel glaring at me as he dragged himself to his feet. Before I could say a word Gajeel storms over and loams over me.

"What in Mavis name did you think you were doing?"

My mouth dropped open in shock as Gajeel continued to shout while hovering over me.

"Of all the reckless, irresponsible, lame-brained, fire-headed, salamander stunt to pull. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one. Or is the blonde dumbing you down."

Oh he did not just go there. Forcing myself to my feet never mine the pain I was in I glared right back as I got in his face.

"That's easy for you to say Mr twenty high-level monster/dark guild missions in a row. I was there when Pantherlily called in and you were so beaten up he was crying you wouldn't make it through the night. You're driving yourself into the ground and you don't even care what it's doing to the people who love you. Don't you even think about telling me that I'm being reckless, you're the poster-child for it!"

If looks could kill I knew I would be seven-feet under right now. Before I could consider that I may have gone too far. Gajeel growled back.

"You didn't tell Laxus that your S-Class mission has a dark guild hunting you."

My mouth snapped shut as what he said really registered. He was right damn-it. Ever since the third run in with Rowena's thugs I've known that it had to be a dark guild that was following me. While I still didn't know which mission they were after me for I knew that that wouldn't matter to Laxus. The moment he heard the words 'dark guild' I would be teleported back to Magnolia and under house arrest.

Glaring back at Gajeel who now wore a smug expression I couldn't think of a comeback that would work. Though the real problem I had just realised was how do I stop Gajeel from telling that little fact to Laxus himself. Before I could come up with a solution, surprisingly enough Gajeel gave me one.

"If that's how you want to play it, then we're coming with you."

Staring at him, I froze in shock. It took me a few seconds to wrap my head around the concept. Still I had to clarify.

"What do you mean you're coming with me?"

Smirking wider if that was possible, Gajeel jerked his thumb back the way we had all originally come.

"Back there you gave me a lecture about taking care of family. Well if Levy were here she'd want me keeping an eye on her best-friend, especially when said best-friend has a habit of getting kidnapped on a good day let alone when she's got some psycho bitch stalking her."

The moment he mentioned Levy I knew he meant business. As I stared at him it occurred to me that Gajeel might finally be ready to face his feeling about Levy. Knowing that I had let my friend down when I let Gajeel run off without helping him was killing me; this could be my second chance at fore-filling my promise. It looked like whether I wanted him or not I was going to be stuck with Gajeel for the immediate future.

"Fine you can tag along but I'm warning you both right now; you can help me all you want when it comes to the Ruins mission and that stupid guild that's after me. As long as you both understand that the part about retrieving Aquarius' key I will have to do alone. That's mine and no matter what happens you can't interfere. Do we have a deal?"

After glaring at me for several minutes Gajeel finally agreed grumpily and immediately started arguing back.

"Well whatever you think girly I don't need your help either. You do your missions and I'll do mine we'll just be travelling together that's it."

I was too busy arguing with Gajeel to notice as a small smile appeared on Pantherlily face. I didn't know at the time but he was pleasantly surprised as this was the liveliest he has seen Gajeel in months; usually all he would get would be monocyclic answers or grunting. Seeing Gajeel arguing back to me and calling me stubborn had given him hope that maybe Gajeel could pull himself back together with time.

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