Chapter Fifteen: New Generation

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I had just dried off after finishing searching a river with a series of small whirlpools for signs of Aquarius when I heard Scorpio shout from further upstream. Grabbing my mission bag I raced to where I heard his voice. Coming round the edge of some trees I found Scorpio kneeling next to a bedraggled little girl passed out next to the river edge. Looking round as I rushed closer I realised there were faint drag marks coming from the stream. Realising what must have happened I had three keys in my hand before turning to Scorpio.

"Scorpio thanks for your help with the search, I'll let you get back to Aquarius. I'll talk to you later."

"We are had a rocking good time. We are see ya later Miss Lucy."

As soon as the light vanished from his departure I quickly summoned my next three spirits.

"Ara, Leo, Lynx I summon you to my side, pass through your gates."

Feeling the drain of a triple summoning even if it was two silver and one gold I knew already Loke was going to cost me energy what with being leader of the Zodiac. Pushing that aside the power loss wasn't as bad as last time so I knew I was adapting quickly to the expanding magic container. Getting right to the point before any high jinks could commence with my two most pesky spirits, I formulated a plan of separation. Usually I don't summon the two together because of the flirtation wars especially after the last time. Pushing the memory of war of the flirt, that poor town would never be the same again I don't think one relationship wasn't affected by what those two did, the horror.

"Alright Leo, head upstream see if anyone is looking for a little girl."

Seeing him open his mouth to argue or flirt I held up my hand.

"Not a word I'm still not talking to you two after what you did, so shut it. Lynx not one pervy comment, you head down stream in case someone went looking and missed her. Get both of you."

Making shoeing motions with my hands I watched as the two huffed and raced off calling out comments about being the best hunter. Sighing at what I had to put up with, at least one of my spirits knew her job I hadn't even needed to ask as once I turned I saw Ara was already scanning and healing the little girl.

"The healing arts are always available and received, the youngling will pass. Her sleep will be brief and time will honour her."

I watched as Ara's light faded as she returned home. Thanking her for her help I realised I would have to wait for her wake up to learn what happened if Loke or Lynx didn't come back with her family. Settling down for the wait I grabbed a few twigs and some scraps of wood for a fire before using my rolled up jacket as a pillow for the girl to rest her head. Once the fire was going I set her down near it to dry off and pulled out one of the books Crux had gotten me on Stardress manipulation to pass the time. It was half an hour later that I felt Lynx return to the spirit world telling me that the river split four ways further along and she had seen no tracks indicating anyone passed by lately. Thanking her it was a few minutes later when Loke popped up almost causing me to screaming.

"My Princess I have returned, your valiant knight is here to..."

Not waiting for him to finish I started hitting him over the head with my book.

"Damn it Loke are you trying to give me a heart attack don't jump out at me you mangy house cat."

Fielding off the attack Loke jumped back and quickly reported.

"Princess the stream splits into two different branches and neither one have any signs of other people or of the young girl's passage. Without knowing which direction she came from and whereabouts she went into the water I can't find any trace of her family."

Gaining Courage: The Search for the Lost Keys (a Fairytail Galu story)Where stories live. Discover now