Chapter Two: The Request

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Lucy POV:

As I got close to the Master I realised he was well on the way to being drunk, hoping that at least a little common sense still remained I coughed and taped his shoulder. As he turned to look up at me I knew it was now or never.

"Master may I have a quick word?"

Seeing the inquiring look in his eyes I quickly clarified.

"In private, it's important."

Nodding his assent, I followed as he made his way to his old office. Not even bothering to knock he simply barged right in.

"Dammit old man you did this on purpose."

Looking past Master into the office I found myself still surprised on how little it had changed since the hand over. It still looked exactly the same as the old office, filled with bookshelves and loose files piled everywhere; even the colour scheme was the same all gold and white. Glancing at where Laxus' voice had come from I could just barely see the top of what I assumed was his head behind a very large stack of paperwork. Frowning at what hadn't been there the last time I volunteered to sort out the guild papers, I automatically moved forward to help. Feeling a hand stop me I look down to see Master grinning and starting to chuckle.Holding up a hand showing me to wait, he bounced on the balls of his feet as he answered.

"A Masters work is never done, my boy. That lot is what happens when you take charge and it all has to be filled in by the new Master, no exceptions no excuses."

A glance down confirmed that Master was enjoying himself at his grandson's expense. I could barely hear the swearing Laxus' was doing under his breath. I almost changed my mind about asking today since I knew how grumpy Laxus could be when it came to the magic council and their need to have everything in triplicate. Stealing my courage I knew if I didn't speak soon I would chicken out.

"Excuse me Masters, I have an important request."

Once I had both of their attention I reached into my pocket and pulled out the mission flyer I had being eyeing this past week and had finally grabbed this morning. Straightening it out, I gave it one more glance and then presented it to them.

"I would like your permission to undertake this mission request."

After taking the flyer and seeing which mission I had chosen Master froze slightly before handing it to Laxus. I had a fair idea of what both of their reactions would be and I figured my best course of attack would be to get Master on my side. Taking a deep breath I stared into his eyes and let him see my resolve.

"Master Makarov, Master Laxus I know that the mission is classified S-Class and before you ask no I would be traveling alone not with team Nat..."

After stopping for a second I forced myself to keep going ignoring my hesitation I started again.

"There is something I haven't had the chance to tell you what with the disbandment and the war. Masters I should have told you, I should have told everyone. It was just... It was just too hard."

I had to force myself to say the next bit.

"During the battle with Tartarus I had to sacrifice a zodiac key."

Seeing the shock on both their faces I quickly continued.

"Before you say anything, it was my choice to do it to save my family. Though the key can never be repaired I have been informed that a new key has been set out into the world."

Here came the hard part.

"I have made it my mission to find her and bring her home. She's waiting for me."

Though the last part was a whisper I knew both men heard me especially Laxus. Allowing my eyes to cross to him as I silently begged him to understand. Over the last few months as he had settled into the guild master role Laxus and I had gotten closer. With my training from my father I knew how to handle the mountains of forms and Laxus had come to see me as a kid sister. With what has been going on with my team it wasn't really surprising that I ended up spending more time at the guild. Everyone had started to get on with their lives and loves and so I had been at a loose end just what Laxus needed. Most days he had conned me into helping with the paperwork, he absolutely loved Gemini and their ability to get into people's heads for the right answers to questions. I tried to hold back the tears as I remembered the last time I'd used them and his comment about two Natsu's being two too many. Forcing myself to focus on what I needed to do to convince them both, I started on my arguments for taking the job request.

"That mission would allow me the time and distance I'd need to search for her; the reward would simply be a bonus and a new friend. I've already researched the specific details and know what it would require to fulfil the client's expectations. I already have several promising leads to the Staff's possible location. And searching for one lost object hidden somewhere in the world is the same as searching for two."

I paused for a second to let what I'd said so far sink in and then I finished explaining about Aquarius.

"I think I should tell you that even if you can't authorise the mission I am still determined to go after her and would instead require a leave of absence. I have already written out my notice for FairyHills and have packed up my belongings and travel supplies. With the undetermined length of time that I'll be gone I didn't see any point in keeping my things here since I'll need the jewels for travel expenses. This has been coming for a long time it's just taken me until now for the guild to get back on its feet. I didn't think leaving right after everything would be wise, so I waited. But now I have to go, if I wait any longer I might lose her forever, I no longer have a choice. I'm sorry to put it to you like that, but there we are. Masters what would you do in my place? She's my family; I have to get her back."

Stopping I watched as Master turned and shared a look with his grandson. Hoping I had said enough in my favour I waited.

"Lucy my child, I think we will need time to discuss this we will give you your answer in the morning if that's alright."

Speaking softer than I'd ever heard him, I couldn't tell what was going through his mind. I gave a quick nod to show my understanding and made my way out. Everything hinged on their answer. Shaking my head I pushed the thoughts out of my head as I had done all I could. Not feeling like I could stomach staying in the guild I took the stairs and made my way out the back door. Bypassing the new training grounds I made my way to the rebuilt FairyHills girl's dorm and settled in for the night knowing that tomorrow whatever the outcome I would be saying goodbye to my family one more time.

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