Chapter Eleven: Prepare for Entertainment

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Lucy POV:

I couldn't help but think back on something the Princess had said as we talked over the difference between silver spirits and gold and the power consumption of both especially when it came to abilities. It was true that my spirits were getting stronger and I had been practicing and meditating to allow them more time and power when they were out in the world but until she mentioned it I hadn't noticed that being able to keep a Zodiac spirit out in the world all day would be considered an achievement. It had been so gradual and because they weren't fighting I didn't really pay attention to the time but now that she pointed it out I had been pushing myself lately and didn't even feel that winded. Pushing the thought out of my mind I glanced up when I realised I was there.

"Lucy yoo-hoo over here."

I turned and was surprised to see Jenny Realite barrowing her way down the street. Bracing for impact I was shocked when Jenny didn't even slow down and simply ploughed right into me and in fact hugged me in greeting. The normally disdainful model was practically gushing as she pulled me inside the guild. I was surprised to see Jenny wasn't herself, normally the model would be made out to the nines but now she looked for want of a better term worn in. Her hair was haphazardly thrown up in a ponytail and her outfit was something I thought I'd never see on the self claimed fashion expert a pair of ordinary blue jeans and a simply pink sweater set.

The moment we stepped through the doors we were bombarded with hellos and compliments: same old same old. Jenny didn't bother with any of the greeting but simply dragged me straight to the bar and the master of Blue Pegasus, Bob. I had always liked talking to Bob as he was one of the saner guild masters I had ever met; I couldn't help but think that the fact I was female probably helped with that impression as I had seen him when he talked to Natsu and Gray and believe me it wasn't a pretty sight. As Jenny and I sat down I realised that she seemed to be more stressed than usual. A quick glance round confirmed that neither Hibiki Lates nor Ren Akatsuki were present.

"Hey guys where's Hibiki and Ren, I can't see them about? Are they off on a mission?"

The moment the words left my mouth I could see the change come over both Bob and Jenny. All of a sudden Jenny got quiet and Bob looked sad. I couldn't help but get a bad feeling.

"What's wrong, did something happen?"

Jenny and Bob shared a sorrowfully look then Bob started talking.

"Lucy my dear both Ren and Hibiki are away from the guild at the moment, Ren is on vacation with his darling Sherry for the next week while Hibiki left late last night on a mission request."

I knew something was wrong by the tone of Bob's voice when he said Hibiki's name. Realising there were too many people present I called out Lyra as a distraction.

"Lyra if you wouldn't mind playing a few happy upbeat tunes for the visitors I'd appreciate it."

It didn't take long after Lyra started playing for both Bob and Jenny to tell me what the real problem was. Jenny started it.

"You have to understand Lucy, Hibiki he's been different lately."

Glancing to the left of me I could see that Jenny looked close to tears as Bob finished explaining.

"He has been growing distant as of late and he has started to take more and more dangerous solo missions. Hibiki refuses to interact with the newer guild members and can't stomach socialising within the guild. If something does not change I will have to intervene and start refusing him missions."

Oh my, it sounded like things had really gotten bad. Not talking to people, that wasn't the Hibiki I knew, he was one of the most friendly mages I had ever meet; for him to be basically shunning his friends something must be really wrong. By this point Jenny really was crying. Reaching over I grasped her hand in comfort as she took up where Bob left off.

"Even I'm starting to worry as he absolutely refuses to talk about Eve or Ichiya sensei. I know he's just trying to protect himself from the pain but this isn't the way to do it, it's just going to cause him more agony when he realises what he is doing to everyone."

I had to admit to myself that I knew how he felt, I can't even speak Levy's name out loud without going into hysterics. I forced myself to focus before my memories could have me crying like Jenny. I once more squeezed her hand and then started explaining why I was there.

"Bob Jenny the reason I'm here is I was assigned an S-Class mission and came looking for Hibiki to see if his Archive magic could give me any clues as to the whereabouts of an ancient civilisation called the Mashima."

Bob looked surprised as he answered.

"I didn't know you had gained S-Class ranking Lucy congratulations."

Stopping him there I held up my hand to tell him to wait.

"Sorry Bob but I'm not there yet, Master made an exception because the mission is more time consuming rather than dangerous and I had another reason for needing to be away from the guild for so long."

Both Jenny and Bob looked inquisitive so I continued talking before they could ask.

"Not many people know this and I would appreciate it if you could keep it to yourselves but during the battle with Tartarus I had to sacrifice one of my Gold Celestial Spirit keys in order to save the guild."

Hearing a gasp of horror from Jenny and seeing the frown on Bob's face I quickly continued.

"I've been lucky enough to find out that the key has been re-forged and is right now, hidden somewhere out there waiting for me to find it. That's probably another thing I'll end up asking Hibiki about. How long do you expect he'll be gone for?"

Bob and Jenny shared another look as Jenny dried her eyes and Bob answered.

"The mission is supposed to take about two weeks and is a dark guild infiltration assignment out near Shirotsume Town."

I knew I told the client that it would take me time to complete the mission but waiting around two weeks didn't seem to be the best use of my time. Now that I was out I wanted to keep moving and try and make some progress on either mission. As I thought it over I realised Lyra had finished singing and had returned home. Making a snap decision I turned back towards Bob and spoke.

"Alright I think it would be best if I tried catching up with him before he disappears. Shirotsume did you say?"

Nodding, Bob smiled as he answered.

"I think that would be wise my dear. If you can please see if you can talk some sense into the boy as he is taking Eve's death harder than I first thought? Those boys were always together and if it weren't for Sherry I believe Ren would be going through much the same thing. Death of the young I will never get used to, the War was hard on all of us but to lose your best friend and mentor in one blow. I just hope the boy can pull out of it soon. It is a shame what sorrows the young ones have to bare."

Having finished speaking Bob reached under the bar and pulled out what looked like a mission log book. When he opened it up I knew I was right; reaching in he handed me a copy of Hibiki's mission request flyer and sighed.

"I do wish you luck my dear on all your endeavours."    

Gaining Courage: The Search for the Lost Keys (a Fairytail Galu story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz