Chapter Twenty-One: Catching Up

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Author's Note: Hi I just wanted to apologise for the lack of updates in the last two years. I could make all sorts of excuses about life and things going crazy but that wouldn't change anything so I just wanted to say once again 'sorry'. I want to remind anyone who doesn't know that this story is in fact completed in beta form and if it ever looks like I can't finish editing I will have someone post the unvarnished copy. One of my pet peeves as a fan is getting invested in a story and not being able to see the outcome so I'll try not to do that to my readers. Thank you for keeping with the story even with my absence and enjoy the rest of the tale.


After Gajeel had told him to fly low so he could get a good fix on Lucy's scent Pantherlily had tried to stay just above the treeline. It took the duo close to two hours to arrive at an old ruin that held traces of Bunny Girl's scent. Looking at the destruction and the beaten-up bodies of the bandits Gajeel couldn't help but laugh once again. He didn't know Bunny Girl had it in her. The two worked together to tie up the bandits and then looked around for Lucy. Not finding her anywhere above ground Gajeel was about to enter the ruins when Pantherlily had an idea. Gesturing to the bandits Lily spoke.

"Gajeel before we go inside maybe one of these men know what happened to Miss Lucy."

Liking that idea Gajeel grabbed the nearest one and started shaking him. When the bandit woke up he wished he hadn't as Gajeel's scary face was no laughing matter. A few threats later Gajeel had the information he needed. Now more worried about Bunny Girl especially if she had a criminal enterprise after her, Gajeel re-knocked out the thug, grabbed Lily and ran off in the direction he caught her smell.

Gajeel had been running for several minutes when he ran smackdab into an invisible barrier. Bouncing back he growled as runes showed up stating the rules of the wall. Quickly reading the runes it only took Gajeel and Lily seconds to show their Fairytail guild marks to the barrier. Once the runes scanned the marks they flashed green and allowed entry. As they walked through Pantherlily could be heard commenting on the fact that the barrier looked an awful lot like Freed's work.

"You are right about that Master Lily."

Looking forward the duo found Virgo hovering over a passed out Lucy. Rushing forward they both reached down to check on her.

"What the fuck happened to Bunny?"

Before Virgo could respond a chime was heard and another spirit made an appearance.

"Piri Piri Miss Lucy used up too much magic energy and collapsed from the strain. We used what we had left to set up the barrier. We don't have enough power left to transform into Little Blue to heal Miss Lucy Piri Piri."

Glancing up at the floating spirits, Gajeel was about to start barking more questions when Virgo shoved an armful of bandages and several jars of cream at him and started talking.

"Big Brother wanted me to tell you that he would be out on his own power if Princess is in danger otherwise these will help in Princesses' recovery. The bandages and cream are from the celestial world and will speed up the healing process. I will ask for punishment another time goodday Gajeel-san, Lily-san."

Before either of them could comment the two spirits popped away only to be replaced by two more

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Before either of them could comment the two spirits popped away only to be replaced by two more. Recognising Cancer and Sagittarius Gajeel and Pantherlily waited to see what they wanted.

"Moshi moshi here are several hares to cook for your evening meal. There appears to be an abundance of the creatures in the vicinity."

"We will watch over Miss Lucy in case you need anything more ebi. Simply call out for assistance ebi"

Two more pops and the last spirit showed up

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Two more pops and the last spirit showed up. Standing on her own shaking and trying to be brave she could barely glance at the two mages as she spoke.

"Sumimasen, this wool will help Miss Lucy sleep better, I'm sorry."

After waving her arm at the ground and covering it with her softest wool Aries trembled at her daring and popped away leaving the two mages with nothing to do but glance at the unconscious mage on the ground. Grunting Gajeel started to reach for Lucy's jacket as he set about fixing her up, he had enough experience repairing himself that he figured he wouldn't have any trouble with her wounds. As he was working Lily moved over to Lucy's satchel and started rummaging to see what supplies she had on hand glancing every now and then at Gajeel's progress. As he was searching he couldn't help but speculating on something that had been bothering him since last night.

"I hadn't realised Miss Lucy had gotten so strong."

Looking up at the statement Gajeel frowned in confusion.

"What you on about?"

Having discovered Lucy's communication crystal Lily answered Gajeel before he made his call.

"Well it is my understanding that the spirits power is a reflection of the spirit mage. Last night Miss Lucy had her copy spirit out healing you as Miss Wendy as well as being in her I believe Gemini Stardress. Using the power of two sky dragon slayers must require immense resources. Not to mention that Miss Levy once told me that only with complete trust both ways can a spirit pass through their gate on their own. Her spirits must love her very much."

Having said his peace Lily let Gajeel get back to his work as he got in contact with the nearest Rune Knights outpost to ask them to pick up the bandits. Telling Gajeel about the pick-up he barely got a grunt as Pantherlily headed back towards the ruins. Once he out of sight Gajeel let his tense shoulders relax as he started mumbling to himself.

"Crazy girl, going off on her own, trouble is what she is. Just asking to be beat, doesn't know what she's doing. Making me do all the work, running off before I could shout at her. Crazy teams fault, Salamander doesn't know how to keep his girl safe..."

Suddenly he stopped moving and choked on his words as the image of Levy's smiling face appeared before him. Forcing the thought back he made himself concentrate on only fixing up Bunny's hurt. It was only minutes later that he heard Lily returning.

"Gajeel the Knights had some information that I thought you should know right away."

Looking up after finishing the last wrap Gajeel stood and stretched as he grunted for Lily to continue.

"The Knights told me that the group we handed in are part of a band that have been terrorising the area and are known associates of a dark guild called Rowena's Claw."

Once more glancing down at Lucy now laying peacefully on the wool bed, Gajeel couldn't help but think that maybe all those rumours about trouble following Team Natsu around weren't an extravagation.

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