Chapter Thirteen: Reminiscing

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Lucy POV:

I couldn't help but sigh as I wandered into the next town; two ruins and a monster filled lagoon and I still had nothing. Coming out of my thoughts I glanced round surprised to find myself somewhere I recognised: Hargeon Port Town. I couldn't help but stop still dead in the street as a dozen memories rushed by me. Before I could think about it my hand had wandered to Plue's key and the spirit appeared with his usual chime.

"Pun pun?"

I was always happy to see him and this time was no exception as a smile made its way onto my face. Gathering him up in my arms, I started walking again as I started to look round. After a few minutes as I made my way closer to the town centre I couldn't help but notice the streets and houses were all different from the last time I had come through there, something that was no doubt due to the War and the wizard Wall's destructive rampage. Pushing that aside for now I made my way to the town hall something I had started doing when I realised that more often than not the locals knew what was happening around their town and were good for information. I barely got the question about magical sightings off shore out before the Mayor all but threw me out of the office wishing me out of his town without any needed damage. Darn guess he still remembered me from all those years ago, wreck one harbour and half a town and they never let you live it down.

Shrugging it off the next stop was the harbour, where it was easy to get several fishermen talking about a possible sea monster and buried treasure. It didn't take me long to learn that another mage had already beaten me too it and the treasure was actual treasure not a gold key. Sighing at another dead end I barely listened as the fisherman explained about a flying metal man and the damage he caused I was too focused on the water reminiscing about the day I met Natsu. Wandering away towards the end of the pier I spoke quietly to Plue.

"Hey Plue, this here is where my adventure first began."

As I gazed at the water I couldn't help but think about Aquarius and how she was always trying to kill me. Laughing as memories of more and more near drowning popped up I didn't even realise I was crying until Plue spoke and started nudging my face.

"Pun pun?"

Wiping the tears away and banishing the melancholy feeling I set off back down memory lane showing Plue the restaurant where I, Happy, and Natsu ate. The next stop was the square where Natsu, Happy, and I officially met. Stopping I glanced round as everything was different. So much time had passed since then, it felt like a lifetime ago. Before I knew it I was hit by the most overwhelming feeling of homesickness: I missed my friends, I missed my family, I missed Natsu. Breaking down in the middle of the square I finally let myself grieve for what I had lost. After everything that had happen I had forced myself to push forward to ignore everything that I had lost because others had it so much worse. With Plue wrapped in my arms I finally let myself go. It could have been minutes or hours I'd never know when I felt myself steady and settle. Lifting my head I forced myself to stand as I knew more than most that a 'Fairy' does not back down, we always stand and fight. I would not let my pain break me. I had faced off with an immortal force of evil and his ultimate creation of destruction and I had lived no way am I going to let my own emotions do what they couldn't. Feeling Plue shaking in my arms I glanced down and smiled a real smile this time instead of a fake one.

"It's alright Plue, sometimes you fall down but the important thing is that you get back up and keeping moving forward."

Shaking off the depression and the more painful memories I had one more visit to make, the Hargeon magic shop. I could tell Plue was excited to be there as this was the place where I had first purchased his key. It only took me minutes to find it exactly in the same place. The feeling of nostalgia really hit as I walked in everything looked different and yet the same. After wandering round the store for a few minutes I made my way over to the manager behind the counter which turned out to be a different man than last time.

"Excuse me sir do you happen to have any Celestial Spirit Gate Keys for sale?"

Yawning and barely looking up from the magazine he was reading he reached under the counter and pulled out a single case. Flicking it open I held my breath as the silver key came into the light. Letting out my breath I was about to thank him and leave when I remembered that Hibiki had forced me to take a third of the reward for the dark guild infiltration job even though it was kind of screwed up. Seeing the price of 30,000 jewels I realised I had just enough if I skipped staying at the inn in town. Handing over the jewels as a new friend was worth more than a bed for the night I couldn't help but admire my new key as I showed it to Plue for his consideration, a new spirit and a new friend: Apus the bird of paradise. Saying goodbye after remembering to ask the man to contact FairyTail if any gold keys came in, I decided it would probably be best to make my way straight out of town moving quickly on to the next lead as I really didn't want to keep Aquarius waiting. 

Walking towards the West town exit I couldn't help feel I had missed something. Something someone had said should have rung a bell but for the life of me I could not place what it was. Shrugging the feeling off I started to tell Plue all about the original adventure he had missed out on only this time I didn't let the memories control me I only let the happiness I felt back then come through my voice and mind. I was determined to not let my past stop me from living not any longer I may have lost my way for a while but I would find my way back home it was just a matter of time.

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