Chapter Eight: The Great Library

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Lucy POV:

Arriving in Crocus Capital City, I knew my first destination would have to be the Great Library where I hoped to not only find information on the Ruins and the Staff but also on possible locations for Aquarius' key. The problem was I had forgotten the scope of the actual library; it would take me weeks to search the entire place. Not knowing what else to do, I slowly started examining the different sections. It only took me half an hour to realise not only was I hopelessly lost but finding the section I wanted let alone the book in this place would take a miracle. Giving up I knew it was finally time to call in a couple of experts. My hand went to my keys as I readied the power for a double silver summoning.

"Pyxis, Crux would you come on out please, I could do with a hand."

I heard two distinct chimes and there they were: old man Crux the Southern Cross and Pyxis my bird compass. If anyone could help me out with navigating this place it would be Pyxis and there wasn't anyone in any world more knowledgeable than Crux especially when it came to celestial spirit magic.

"O.k. you two, this is the Crocus library. I'm here for two reasons: one to find anything on the Mashima people and the Staff of Shonen, and two for possible locations on Aquarius' key. I'm looking for books on either subject, so if you could, Crux research the libraries contents and see if there's anything that could help and Pyxis according to the front desk guy the section I want is near the west outer wall though he couldn't give me a precise floor so please help me out with a direction at least for a starting point."

As Crux nodded off researching Pyxis' compass spun until it stopped pointing to the left. Patting the spirit for a job well done the three of us set off in what I hoped was the right direction.


Time-skip: Three Hours Later

This Library was trying to drive me insane. It felt like we had been wandering around for days finding random books in misplaced sections that Crux had been kind enough to memorise in case they could be helpful. Even Pyxis was starting to feel lost and I didn't think that could happen ever. Trying not to scream in frustration I had just put back an unhelpful book when I heard a bang from the other side of the shelf on the left. Figuring what the heck I decided to check it out and I couldn't have been happier when I saw a man re-shelving some books further down the aisle. Walking fast so I didn't lose him I waved to grab his attention as I figured there would be no harm in asking for some advice.

"Hi excuse me I was wondering if you could help me?"

The man hooped down off his ladder and turned to face me. His blonde bangs covered his face and eyes making it hard for me to see his expression as I walked closer. He was dressed much like me in jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt though he appeared to be covered in a fine layer of dust. Before I could speak again he started shouting.

"Don't you know this is a library! Don't you know you're supposed to be quiet! Don't you know that there are rules! Don't you..."

The moment he started speaking I stopped and then started backing away slowly. This guy was crazy. Watching as his rant continued I couldn't help but wince when he started to smack the book in his hand against his other palm. Trying to defuse his rising anger I started talking fast.

"Please I'm sorry, really really sorry, honest. Please I just need some help, I'm lost that's all."

The moment I said I was lost he stopped ranting and calmed down completely.

"Oh well in that case I'd be happy to help."

Seeing him smile at me as if nothing was wrong I could almost see a hint of Mirajane's demon personality there for a second. Going with the switch as I really didn't need a distraction at the moment I waved it away and gestured to behind me. As I started speaking I kept a close eye on him just in case he went off the rails again.

"O.k. well I guess I should introduce myself, my name's Lucy and I'm a wizard. I'm here looking for information on celestial spirits and on an ancient civilisation called the Mashima people. Oh and any info you have on an ancient magical item called the Staff of Shonen."

Nodding to show he was listening, he suddenly opened the strange book in his hand and started walking off mumbling to himself. Not being able to hear him I figured my best bet would be to follow him until he got wherever he was going. A couple of twists and turns later and I was about to call it quits when he spoke loud enough for me to hear him.

"I know who you are you know. You're Lucy Heartfilia of the Fairy Tail guild. I'm Pauz Lightless by the way, one of the library's research assistants."

I was astonished, normally people didn't know who I was even being a member of Fairy Tail and a part of Team Natsu didn't get me recognised all that often especially when I wasn't with the team.

"I saw you at the Grand Magic Games a few years back you're a friend of Gray's aren't you? I saw a magazine article about your team, how's Gray doing by the way? I haven't seen him in ages."

I was slightly surprised that I had run into someone who was an old friend of Gray's here of all places. Getting over my shock I quickly ran through everything I knew about Gray even if not having a proper timeframe was a bit of a hindrance.

"He's doing great. He finally got in a relationship with Juvia, you do know who Juvia is right?"

Shaking his head in the negative I finally asked the question I probably should have started with.

"How long has it been since you last saw Gray?"

He looked back at me as we continued walking smiling softly.

"We haven't spoken in years, not since we were kids."

"Oh well o.k. Let's see then. Er. Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlett, Natsu Dragneel, Happy Natsu's exceed, and I all joined up a couple of years ago forming Team Natsu. Juvia Lockser is well she was a water mage that fought our guild for a time and then well (there wasn't really a way to put this) after joining our guild she well she stalked Gray for a couple of years. Anyway after everything that happened with the War and all Gray finally admitted he liked her too so now their dating I guess you could say."

Stopping Pauz turned to face me fully as he smiled and pulled off his glasses cleaning them before he started speaking.

"I'm glad he found a family. I knew Gray before he joined Fairy Tail and he always seemed like he needed someone to care for. I'm glad he found that at Fairy Tail. Alright Celestial Spirits, Mashima, and Shonen: I think we should take it one question at a time that is the orderly thing to do. So we'll start off here: Celestial Spirit Lore."

Looking around I was about to speak when I felt my magic twitch for a second. Turning round I saw that Crux was awake and that Pyxis was looking around with interest: o.k. time for a game plan.

"Pyxis do you mind going back for a bit, it looks like we'll be in this section for a while. I'll call you out again when we move on so you can memorise the next route. Crux if I start on that side and you on this we can work through things much quicker. All I'm really looking for is anything on Spirit key locations or any ancient lore about where keys are placed when they are deposited on Earthland."

That last piece of info I had directed at Pauz. Crux knew what I was looking for as it was his idea to do the research here. I was hoping Pauz might be able to narrow down the book I was looking for as I could already tell that the bookshelves were filled with celestial spirit texts and most of them probably wouldn't be a help, they would be great to read in any other circumstances but not when finding Aquarius was my top priority.


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