Chapter Thirty-Two: Forest Of Love

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Following a possible lead to a lake with an unusual amount of magical activity outside of Nigella City, Gajeel and I were resting for the night in the woodlands before going further east and seeing what was going on. I had just gotten settled and shouted night to Gajeel as I waved my hand and called out Mushy. The moment the teddy bear spirit arrived he immediately started glowing and his right ear turned black. Knowing the signs, I threw on a pair of pants, picked him up, and ran back outside. Luckily Gajeel hadn't gone to bed yet and was still closing up camp. Seeing my alertness and the state Mushy was in, he stopped what he was doing and took in a deep breath scenting the air as he did."

"What you got Bunny?"

Now that Gajeel was alerted I took the time to listen to Mushy's quiet hum: there was something magical happening nearby, straight due North. Pointing the way I closed my eyes and then really concentrated. After a few seconds I slowly recognised what Mushy must have sensed, thunder and the smell of smoke. Looking over at Gajeel who had already caught the signs we were of one mind. Sending Mushy back the two of us took off following the sounds of destruction.

We were running full tilt through the wood and before I knew it we ran right into a battle with someone familiar at the centre: Sherry and Ren from Lamia Scale/Blue Pegasus respectively. Getting a lay of the land Gajeel and I didn't need any help to realise who we should be hitting as the clearing we found ourselves in was covered in Vulcans: lots and lots of forest Vulcans. 

Not wasting time we both dived in to help as I tried to make my way to the others to check on their condition as I could see from where I was that Sherry appeared to be hurt. As I felt Loke come out on his own power I was about to call out Sagittarius when suddenly something jumped down from above me and wrapped two large arms around my arms and chest. Before I knew it I was in the air and flying through the forest taking a whack from a passing branch for good measure. Shaking off the blow and trying to orientate myself I knew the moment I heard the voice speak what had happened.

"My woman!"

Finally being able to see I recognised Sherry held in front of me by another Vulcan. I really should develop more situational awareness. I should have known the moment I realised I was dealing with Vulcans that they would target Sherry and myself and run off with both of us at the earliest opportunity. While I had flashbacks to my first adventure with Natsu in Mt. Hakobe I vowed to myself that this time it would be different and I wasn't going to make the same mistakes twice. When the two Vulcans paused to argue with several others about mating rights I knew my chance had come.

Telling Horologium what I wanted him to do, I braced myself as the second spirit I called appeared mid-air above my position. With a crack Capricorn's foot hit the Vulcan's head and I was free. Sending out my own Lucy-kick as I fell I threw the beast holding Sherry across the wood into a tree. Not stopping the two of us ploughed into the gathered Vulcans kicking and with my whip now active throwing them left and right allowing Horologium time to skedaddle with Sherry save from harm. 


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