Chapter Three: Incomplete

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Lucy POV:
Opening my eyes for a moment just a moment I could pretend that everything was alright. Before my mind could remember what I had lost I could see Levy, Erza, Mira, Cana, Lissana, Wendy, and Juvia as we talked and laughed after the Grand Magic Games. A smile graced my lips as I saw Levy stutter and blush as we teased her about Gajeel and how he looked at the GMG Ball. Before I could stop it I felt my heart hitch and my breath freeze. The tears that had come every day since the end of the war once more fell from my eyes. Knowing I was only worsening the pain I tried not to picture that moment once more.

While Natsu had his nightmares about impaling me with his claws at least he had the knowledge that it wasn't his fault. Me I relived my moment every night knowing that if I had just been stronger, faster, done anything better she would still be here. Every time I entered the guild I expected her to call my name. Out of the hundreds dead from the war she was the one that haunted me. Every flash of blue called her name, I couldn't even stomach looking at a book without seeing her smile and hearing her voice.

Knowing there was no benefit in staying in bed now I got up and tried to find some energy to start the day. Wandering into the bathroom and stripping for the shower I made a mental list of what I had to accomplish if I wanted to leave after talking to the Master and Laxus. Funny everyone still called Makarov Master while ribbing Laxus by calling him by his name. Shaking out the weird thoughts I quickly towelled myself off and calmly called out to Cancer.

"What style would you prefer today ebi?"

A quick decision later had me in a classic side ponytail. With a wave goodbye he returned to the spirit realm until next time. It only took me few minutes to finish in the bathroom and make my way to my decreased wardrobe. After retrieving what I could from the wreckage of my last apartment my dress choices had become slightly limited. Having had to change my style slightly due to the scaring on my abdomen I quickly grabbed the underwear and clothes I'd left out for today: a set of tan bra and panties, a pair of peach leggings, a white summer dress with peach and rose flowers on it, and white roman sandals to match.

Not bothering with make-up I secured my belt and sent a quick pulse of magic into it as I attached my keyring. This was the one thing I had bothered to purchase after the war. With the amount of times someone had stolen my keys you would think I would of gotten around to an anti-theft belt sooner. Now the only person who could remove the belt or anything attached to it was me. After making sure my Fleuve d'etoiles was opposite my key case on my left, I grabbed my jacket off the back of my desk chair.

As I took one last look around the room I realised I really hadn't made it my own. There were no knickknacks, no mementos, nothing to show who lived there. Even though I had been there almost five months now I had always known it was a stop-over, a place to rest for a moment. Going to the bag I'd packed the day before I quickly re-entered the bathroom and swiped the last of my toiletries. With that done I knew I was ready. Calling Virgo's name as I knew she would be waiting a small smile appeared as her usually greeting was heard as the ever stoic maid bowed before me.

"Punishment princess?"

As Virgo straightened up I was hit by a wave of nostalgia for the very first time I'd heard that call: Lullaby, wind magic, the train station. Shaking it off, I presented her with the last bag to store in the spirit realm.

"Here you go Virgo that should be it."

Taking the bag she was about to retreat when I had a sudden thought. Holding up my hand to tell her to give me a minute I took in a breath at what I was about to do. Walking forward I lifted up the hand not holding the bag and faced her squarely.

"Virgo for all your help these last few months and unwavering loyalty I hereby punish you."

I knew the language was a bit cheesy but figured the more solemn the better. Before I could change my mind I smacked the back of her hand lightly. As I watched her expression go for stoic to ecstatic I forced gate closured her gate and let out sigh. After what happened with Aquarius I had made a vow to treat my spirits more on equal terms which meant excepting them for what they were be it flirtatious, shy, mischievous, or even a constant need for punishment. It wasn't easy especially when it came to Leo or Taurus but I was getting there. It helped that with the extra training I'd been doing I could call them out to spend the day with me and get to know them as individuals.

As I left my room behind i didn't bother locking up knowing that at some point Erza would go in to investigate where I was. Having prepared for months now I had left a letter for her and the rest of the team on my dresser. I knew I couldn't stomach saying goodbye so I was taking the coward's way out. Leaving FairyHills and making my way to the guildhall I prepared myself as best I could. Whether or not they allowed me take the request didn't really alter my plan. I'd seen it on the board and realised the potential of doing something else as I searched for Aquarius' key. A quick research trip to the guild library, which had resulted in me throwing-up afterwards from all the memories, hadn't made much difference to the overall plan. I'd never minded studying all that much and I was hoping away from Magnolia the memories of her wouldn't be as bad.

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