Chapter Sixteen: Tower Reunion

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Lucy POV:

Three days out of Monecious Village and I was still lost; that was the last time I took directions from a half-blind frogwoman. Glancing down at Pyxis through the rain, even though I was cold and tired I couldn't help but smile as the little guy finished telling me about his new addition to his collection. It turned out that the bird spirit collected buttons in his spare time. It was one of many new things I had discovered about my spirits over the last few months. I had always known they all had their own quirks and oddities (I suddenly shuddered as I could swear I heard Virgo's voice in my head asking for punishment), but it had only recently come to my attention that they had full grown lives that I had known almost nothing about; something that I had been taking the time to rectify with each spirit hence that conversation about the benefits of quartz made buttons over that made of bone.

I was just about to mention an old servant from back in the Konzern days that sewed her own clothes when I felt a tingle go up my spine. Grabbing Pyxis my whip flew into my hand and I swiftly swung us up into one of the trees out of the way as several projectiles shot across where we had just been standing. As I looked for where the attack came from and the possible culprit, my hand grasped my keys as I thought about the best strategy.

"Sagittarius triple shot."

As I finished calling out my friend appeared on a nearby branch and had already fired several arrows into the trees at the attack's origin. Not wanting Pyxis to get hurt as several more projectiles came at both our and Sagittarius' location I sent him back home as I donned Capricorns Stardress for the speed needed to dodge easily. Jumping between branches as Sagittarius continued to return fire I started trying to make my way closer to the enemy. I needed to know who was attacking me before I could figure out a true counterattack; for now I would have to think on my feet and try to stay ahead of the game.

"Miss Lucy behind you moshi moshi!"

Dropping down without looking I felt something slice across my arm as I hit the forest floor and rolled. Sagittarius had already returned fire and I was about to keep moving when something in the underbrush caught my eye. Picking it up I was shocked to find an ordinary playing card and my mind made an unexpected connection: a casino, darkness, and a gun shot. On a wild chance I started shouting out.

"Sagittarius, hold your fire. Shô, Wally it's Lucy, Lucy Heartfillia, Erza Scarlet's friend, I met you guys at the Tower of Heaven!"

Suddenly everything went quiet and the attacks stopped. Slowly standing up and showing myself I wasn't that surprised to see two familiar faces step into the starlight, Shô and Wally. It appeared from their expressions they were more surprised to see me especially the mysterious appearance of youth. Before they could start talking Virgo appeared with her usual greeting and handed out my camping tent and supplies. Thanking her quickly I dismissed her and Sagittarius as it looked like the three of us would be settling in for the night. Finding a dry spot under the canopy we got a fire going and settled down to catch up. The duo started off by telling me all about their adventures exploring the world not just Fiore. I let them talk knowing that when it was my turn I would have to break some bad news. I laughed and smiled at some of the trouble they had gotten into, thinking about how Erza will surely kill them when she finds out about some of the shenanigans these two barely managed to crawl out of.

As the night moved on it became my turn to tell them about the past. I decided to start easy and explained what happened after they left us on the beach that night; I covered the highlights leading up to my youthful appearance and the subsequent missed years. Then I hesitated, I had to tell them about Millianna's death. Even though I hated talking about the War I knew they had a right to know the details. I tried to be as kind as I could as I described Millianna's bravery and her courage in standing up to impossible odds in order to save the world. I could tell news had hit them hard as they were both crying and shaking. Trying to help with their grief I started telling them about the good things that had happened, about Millianna joining Mermaid Heel and competing in the Grand Magic Games and also about how that is where Millianna found Kagaru Mikazuchi Simon's little sister.

I went on to explain about the formation of Crime Sorcière and Jellel Fernandez's quest for redemption. I glossed over their disbandment and intergration into the other guilds. I kept going as I racked my mind for all the funny stories I had about their absent friends including how Jellel couldn't work up the courage to ask Erza out; how it was Erza who kept inviting Jellel to go places together and after a while he gathered the nerve to ask Cobra/Eric for advice who turned around and told him that the two of them had been dating officially for a month and Jellel was the only one who didn't know it. I suddenly remembered something important; glancing at Wally I smiled as I relayed to him the information about Hoteye/Richard his brother and Richard's mission to find Wally. I took me a few minutes to explain about how he has now joined Lamia Scale because he is best friends with the wizard saint and new master of the guild Jura Neekis.

I stressed to them that they should go visit the guilds as part of their travels and that it would be good for them and the others to see each other and reconnect. I reminded them that they need to be with their family while they have the chance. That a reunion could be just what everyone needs to heal and to start moving forward. After exchanging a thoughtful frown they told me they'll think about it, especially the news about Wally's brother. Wishing them goodnight I settled in my tent and tried to ignore the rain to get a little sleep.

I couldn't have been out for long before memories of the War started to intrude and tumble through my dreams. Before much time had passed I awoke screaming from a nightmare flashback of the last battle: Levy, Natsu, E.N.D. There was so much blood, so much death, and I could still hear myself screaming begging for someone to come save them. Not being able to sleep anymore my hands drifted over my keys, and without even a call out Lyra appeared giving me a sympatric look knowing how most nights went nowadays. She started playing a soft lullaby as the two of us sat there and talked about nothing important. If I didn't have my spirits I don't think I would have survived this last year what with everything that has happened, they always knew just what I needed and I wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

Gaining Courage: The Search for the Lost Keys (a Fairytail Galu story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora