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The days until the next Gathering flew by. It was greenleaf now; Thunder forest was awash in green and alive with more prey than FireClan could eat. Bloompaw and Maplepaw trained alongside Acornpaw, Wrenpaw, and Frecklepaw. One day, their mentors organized a mock battle between all five of them. Bloompaw, Wrenpaw, and Bloompaw were on one side, while Frecklepaw and Acornpaw fought on the other. You lost if an enemy cat managed to get you on your back.

Even with Frecklepaw's snarls, tilted glances, and half-whispered barbs, Maplepaw enjoyed practicing against her denmates. Thrushflight and Dapplecreek still gave her concerned glances when she fought with skills she wasn't meant to know yet, but even that was fading; Maplepaw had been training long enough now that her battle prowess wasn't so advanced that it turned heads.

Plus, Frecklepaw had actually eased off for the moment. It seemed Yellowstar's punishment had made her realize she couldn't get away with open bullying, although Maplepaw could tell from her glares and tense posture that she still hated Maplepaw as much as ever. It doesn't matter. Maplepaw ducked and swerved as Acornpaw and Frecklepaw came at her at the same time. You don't have to like me. I don't have to like you. I just have to focus on my training. I just have to be the best warrior I can be!

Of course she knew the peace couldn't last. At the very least, the Gathering would send ripples of shock through the Clans.

Wrenpaw came to her aid, shoving Frecklepaw to the side with sheathed claws. Maplepaw gave him a curt nod and shot back into the fray, leaping onto Acornpaw's back and bowling him over.

"We won!" yowled Wrenpaw. Bloompaw, Acornpaw, and Frecklepaw got to their feet. "Take that, Acornpaw."

Wrenpaw's brother flashed him a good-natured snarl. "I'll get you next time."

For once, Frecklepaw hadn't been included in the Gathering patrol. Maplepaw and Bloompaw got to go together, plus Wrenpaw, Rabbitleap, Thrushflight, Downtail, Sunsplash, Nettlescratch, Goosefur, and Beechwhisker--the elders usually didn't make the trek, but Beechwhisker insisted this time, saying it would be a Gathering she didn't want to miss. Maplepaw wasn't surprised Yellowstar made Foxjump stay behind. The ginger tom was too upset to hold his tongue.

When the Clan arrived on the island, Maplepaw couldn't suppress a gasp; Scratchface was perched in Weaselstar's spot on the Moontree, while the BlackClan leader sat on the ground beneath, not even in the deputy's spot.

"What is this?" shouted Dustapple as CrookedClan streamed across the bridge. "Weaselstar?"

"Good, you're here," Swiftstar rasped. "We can begin." Her rheumy eyes narrowed at Weaselstar sitting below. "Explain."

"I have decided to leave my position as leader." Weaselstar puffed out her chest. "Scratchface will lead BlackClan as soon as we travel to Moonpool."

"Why, Weaselstar?" Troutstar's usually calm eyes blinked in confusion. "What has happened?"

"I must step down. I am pregnant with a FireClan cat's kits."

Swiftstar scoffed, drawing a rugged old paw across her muzzle. "You're making a big deal out of, well, absolutely nothing."

Maplepaw settled down between Bloompaw and Wrenpaw. CrookedClan and TallClan cats were casting FireClan suspicious looks. The FireClan cats returned their stares defiantly. Jaggedclaw's claws curled into the grass while Nettlescratch's tail lashed from side to side.

"It's not nothing."

"Pardon me," said Troutstar, "but I don't see how stepping down is necessary. Many of us have had the occasional fling with cats from other Clans. It happens more often than rainfall in newleaf. I'm not ashamed to say that, before I was deputy, I formed a close friendship with a TallClan cat. I'll keep his name out of it for politeness, but the point is, it didn't matter. It didn't make me less devoted to my Clan."

"You're missing the point," said Weaselstar, hissing. "I don't wish to lead my Clan anymore."

"Then that," said Troutstar mildly, "is the issue. May the Ageless Ones guide you in this, Weaselstar. But don't blame your affections for your inability to fulfill your promise to your Clan."

"He gets it," said Swiftstar with a raspy cough. "Weaselstar, if you abandon your post, you make an enemy of my Clan for going against our ancestors' wishes. Do not take that lightly."

Yellowstar, who'd been watching the exchange in dignified silence until now, turned to the TallClan leader.

"An enemy? Truly?"

"Unless StarClan gives a sign they consent."

Yellowstar frowned thoughtfully. "And Troutstar?"

"I will not shed blood over nothing. But StarClan must condone this. Otherwise, Weaselstar is an exile, and will be treated as such, and any Clan sheltering her as accomplices." He held Yellowstar's gaze, the threat clear.

"Excuse me." Scratchface cleared his throat. "I think I should be allowed to speak. I promise you," he said, "that I will not lead without the blessing of the Ageless Ones. That is my solemn vow. It saddens me that my mentor and leader no longer wishes to lead her Clan, but no BlackClan cat is a prisoner in Shadow forest. Any cat who cannot be loyal to their Clan is not needed within our ranks. Would you have us continue to follow a leader who wishes to abandon us?" BlackClan cats yowled agreement. "Or would you follow a cat ready to die to defend his home?"

At that, murmurs of approval washed through the crowd. Maplepaw saw Beechwhisker nod approvingly, and Nettlescratch yowled agreement.

"Can you believe this?" Wrenpaw whispered in Maplepaw's ear. "She might actually do it!"

"Yellowstar would be a fool to let her," Maplepaw hissed back. "We'd make enemies of two Clans faster than you can say 'mouse.'"

"Scratchface does have a point," said Wrenpaw thoughtfully. "But..."


"What about the kits? What's best for them? That's what we should be arguing about."

Maplepaw blinked at him in surprise. Of course that's what matters, she thought, thinking guiltily of her own selfish anger. The kits. Wrenpaw was such a kind cat, she reflected.

Yellowstar puffed out her chin and fixed her gaze resolutely on Weaselstar. "I have made up my mind. On StarClan, I cannot allow you to join my Clan, Weaselstar. Even if you are no longer leader, your home is in the Shadow pines, not Thunder forest. I am sorry. But this is my decision."

Scratchface regarded her cooly, his yellow eyes unreadable. "This meeting is at an end."

"Wait. I have something to say," yowled Troutstar. His gaze flicked up to the sky; when no clouds covered the full moon, he continued. "This nonsensical drama of inter-Clan romance needs to be stopped. It isn't against the warrior code so long as each cat is still loyal to their Clan."

"Here, here," mewed Swiftstar.

"I propose a compromise. On nights other than the full moon, cats can meet here, on neutral territory, in order to spend time together. But only if their leaders allow it and each cat remains loyal to their Clan."

"I'd consent to that," said Yellowstar.

"And me," said Swiftstar.

"I speak for BlackClan," said Scratchface, "and I agree."

"So it's settled." Troutstar flicked his tail and leapt off the Moontree, ending the Gathering.

Just like that, thought Maplepaw. The veins of ice were back. Just like that. All is forgiven. It's all fine. No drama. No--she unsheathed her claws--no big deal, right?

With considerable effort, she pushed the blossoming rage to the back of her mind. This is a good thing, she reasoned. Cats won't be banished or exiled for falling in love. Not anymore. And I was here to witness it... She breathed in the warm night air and looked up at the Gray Wing stars. This is for the better, she assured herself. It has to be.

Maplepaw's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now