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After several minutes of digging in and little talks in between , diana dabs her mouth with a napkin , glancing at jungkook as she tries to unravel the mysterious act jungkook is pulling , contacting her after 3 years? .

Yes their loving relationship was short lived , she could have sworn years back jungkook was ready to settle but to much of her dismay , it seemed during most days like jungkook was using her to pass time.

She had him but somehow felt he belonged to someone else , someone from his past and childhood as it was always a sensitive topic for him .

" I don't have what you are looking for " she admits.

" you need to find it , i'm counting on you " jungkook deadpans , slicing his steak.

" why are you so fixated on it "

" because!.." He lets out a little loud , the truth he doesn't have time to waste , with taehyung in the palace now he needs to make a move quick , diana's father is a duke that's very much acquainted with the king his father , he needs classified information.

" because , its to protect someone " he says calmly , raising his fork with food into his mouth.

" you must adore this person you really want to protect " she says , voice hushed , eye teary as she sips on her wine.

Knowing deep down that person will never be her.

Jungkook takes a deep breath at her words , he really has not come to admit it but its true , he has spent every second of his life protecting that person , even from the farthest distance.

" yes i do " He says solemnly , watching as she gulps , realizing jungkook only wanted to see her for someone else.

" i'll see what i can find , congratulations on your wedding , i'll take my leave " she says , getting up with her purse in her hands.

" diana " jungkook calls out softly , feeling a pang of guilt but it has to be this way.

" and oh! , thanks for the lunch " she says , taking her leave , not giving jungkook a chance.

Jungkook dropping the napkin on the table with a frustrated sigh , maybe meeting up with diana was a mistake.

Diana who walks ahead , feeling pity for herself , she really thought she got over him? But seeing how she's so fast to his beck and call , tells a lot.

𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍🪄Where stories live. Discover now