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Jacob's POV

It was the second time in the last 10 minutes that she'd bitten her lip. The second time my crotch swelled and my fists clenched. She did it when she was concentrating- simultaneous equations were not for the faint hearted- But fuck, the last thing I was thinking about right now were simultaneous equations. 

What I would do to be able to bend her over this very desk.

"Jacob?", her seductive voice snapped me out of my daydream as she threw her pen onto the paper in frustration. Gob smacked she was actually talking to me, instead of arguing with me, my voice caught in my throat.

"Sara", I responded coldly refusing to look her in the eye,

"I'm really stuck, could you help me?", she asked frustratedly, pouting at the equation in front of her. 

Glancing over at her book, I had pin-pointed her mistake instantly.

"You've gone wrong here", I motioned at the point of substitution,

"You're meant to substitute 'X' for 5, not 6", I explained as she huffed in realisation,

"Hmph", she rolled her eyes scribbling down her new found answer and running her hands through her chocolate brown hair which always tumbled down to the middle of her back effortlessly. The same Hair I would love to make a mess of so badly.

All of the boys in our year wanted Sara. I saw them watch her as she'd strut down the hall with her little group of friends fluttering her long lushious lashes and pouting her swollen pink lips. The little plaited skirts she would wear were barely enough to cover her ass.

She was quite tall for a girl, maybe 5'8"? Still 7 inches shorter than myself, but her legs went on for days and looked perfect in any item of clothing. She had the body of a model, one that I could easily throw around my bedroom. God I had imagined going down on her so many times- I wouldn't stop until she was writhing underneath me and begging for my cock. 

The only problem? She was a bitch.

"So, nerd. Any plans for the weekend?", she sinisterly queried not looking up from her books. 

"No, yourself?", I sighed refusing to look up either. She kissed her teeth,

"I'm going to a party tonight", she announced proudly flipping her hair behind her shoulder,

"Good for you", I scoffed knowing it would be at her boyfriends, Tyler

Tyler Gunderson was a cunt. He was Your bog-standard not that attractive jock that made up for his mediocre looks through nothing but arrogance and crude jokes.

"I would invite you, but *she paused*, I just don't really want you there", she teased spitefully crossing her legs,

"Y'know I can't tell you how much I love these conversations but I am getting tired of your low-intelligence insults and simply fucking boring comments. Why don't you go and fuck someone else off I'm trying to concentrate", I mumbled amused at her now irritation,

"You're such a cunt", she spat now facing me,

"I'll live with it", I sighed scribbling down some notes before facing her,

"No wonder no one likes you", she growled looking me up and down,

"Ah you wound me", I grumbled placing my hand to my chest sarcastically,

"True though", she hummed, which it was. I wasn't popular or well known, I had my own group of friends; James, Stephen and Matthew who all also wanted to be doctors. We spent 99% of our time at school in the library when not in class, and I liked it that way.

"At least people openly admit to not liking me, you surround yourself with so-called friends who just chat shit about you behind your back because in reality you're a massive bitch", I chuckled turning my attention back to my textbook in an attempt to not let my eyes linger on her bare thighs.

"At least I have friends, and a boyfriend. I bet you've never even touched a girl", she grinned glancing over at Tyler briefly,

"Are you a virgin Jacob? I bet you a thousand bucks that you are", spite dripped through her words as she leaned in closer. 

I wasn't a virgin. I had spent the summer just gone working at an internship in the doctors office in town- it was only in reception, but a nurse working there called Amelie had somehow taken a liking to me.

She was a few years older, and had beautiful red hair and huge green 'fuck me' eyes. I'm not proud to admit that I lost my virginity in a cleaning supply closet, but it only got better from there. I had fucked her so much that summer, that by the end of it I was making her cum on my face, fingers and cock. 

"Wouldn't you like to know", I replied bluntly tapping at my calculator, remembering the evenings in her shower.

"You so are, who would fuck you", she sniggered,

"You seem awfully interested in my sex life, Sara. What's up, is Tyler not satisfying you?", I sighed lifting my gaze to her siren eyes as her mouth dropped open,

"I'll have you know, spectacles, that Tyler is rocking my world every night.", she defended crossing her arms over her chest pushing her breasts up slightly,

"Then why are you such a bitch?", I queried raising an eyebrow as she shuffled in her seat stumbling over her words.

I felt the Tension swell between the two of us- her chest heaved up and down and my cock stirred at the thought of putting her bratty mouth to better use.

To my surprise, over the summer I discovered my love for rough sex. I hated the 'love-making' shit- I just wanted raw, dirty, soul-stirring fucking. I knew that it would never happen, but I would not be satisfied until Sara was unable to walk. 

Snapping us out of our staring contest, the bell rang abruptly causing the classroom to stir.

"Fuck you Jacob", she hissed cramming her books into her tote bag,

"Brat", I scoffed before throwing my bag over my shoulder and heading out. 


!1k Words!📕

Ahhhh Congratulations, you made it through the first chapter!🎉

Just to keep you in the loop, this is a much shorter chapter than usual- from chapter 2 onwards there will be an average of about 1.5k words.

Soooo, what do we think? Do we like Sara? Or do we think she's just a bully?

And what about Jacob? I love how she has NO idea what's going through his head 🤣

Anyway, pop your thoughts in the comments, I will absolutely be reading them!

See you soon darlings 😘

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