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Sara's POV

"Maddy Mckenzie", I let her name roll of my tongue as she took a sip of champagne,

"How long has it been? It's amazing to see you", she hummed throwing her arms around my neck. Staying rigid and lightly tapping her shoulder she grinned from ear-to-ear as she pulled away,

"6 years? You've changed a lot", I chuckled nervously taking in her fuller bust and large glossy lips,

"You haven't changed at all- you look exactly the same", there was such a strange tone to her voice- I couldn't figure it out at all. 

"Thankyou I guess- I'm guessing you came with Jacob?", I asked noticing him staring in our direction from the gazebo where he was talking to Stephen,

"You'd be guessing correctly! Isn't he just the handsomest? Are you here a lone?", sighing she focused on his silhouette in the distance,

"I am yeah, my other half couldn't make it- he's on a business trip", smacking my lips I took a sip of the buxfizz- I hated the taste of champagne honestly.

"Oh that's a shame, it would have been nice to meet him seeing we do have very similar taste in men", spite dripped from her tongue as she glanced over at Jacob again,

"Do we?", clutching to my purse she nodded,

"Well, I remember how you dated Jacob for a while after we spilt up- then again, it looks like I managed to win him back. It was all so... dramatic", god her voice was pissing me off. 

"Yeah well, the last thing I remember is him sucking your face off- we didn't speak again afterwards. Sorry- why are we still talking about something that happened in high school?", I scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, 

"I remember that night so well! He couldn't wait to tear my clothes off", I could feel my fists clenching and my chest tighten, "It's interesting to reminisce isn't it- me and Nora were gobsmacked to find out you'd two timed a man like Jacob, we just had to tell him", her brows were furrowed as she licked her bottom lip. 

What? She was the one who told Jacob I was seeing someone else? That's impossible, there was nothing to see and definitely nothing to take pictures of? Leaning in close, I sighed.

"Listen here and listen good Maddy- I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but this is my best friends wedding and if you continue to shit stir and make trouble, I will not hesitate to have you and your fake lips thrown out. Understand?", throwing her head back she laughed her sinister laugh,

"Oh it's all fun and games, we were just having a catch up after all! I'm sure I'll see you tonight", pouting her lips she unfolded her arms and left, gliding towards Jacob.

Throwing herself into my arms, Eva sighed,

"What was that about?", she asked concernedly. I wasn't going to tell her- this was her day and no one was going to ruin it.

"Well hello there Mrs Bryce! Nothing lovely we were just catching up", I grinned convincingly as she sighed in relief, 

"Is there's any trouble, let me know and she'll be gone", she hummed pulling me into another hug. 

After the numerous catch ups and polite greetings, we were all transferred over to the Hilton where we took our seats in the dining hall. Each circular table was decorated with a white cover and matching flowers to our bouquets. The place matts were also sage green, with an assortment of fancy cutlery and glasses ready for each person. 

I was on a table with the Emily and Kyle, Andrea and Mia and the maid of honour and her husband. Eva and James were sat with their parents at the front. 

Enemies with Benefits [COMPLETE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن