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Jacob's POV

She was driving me crazy. As her chocolate-brown hair escaped through the thin crack of the door I threw my hands to my face. It was so wrong, so sinful- I couldn't get the image of her on her knees out of my head. The way she spoke to me fluttered inside my ear-drums like a siren-song. 

Emerging from the closet and back into the lunch hall, she sat on her table combing her hair as if our encounter didn't happen. Maddy caught my eye and smiled proudly, ushering me towards her again.

"Hey you", she whispered as I perched next to her,

"We were just talking about your med school success!", she announced as her group of friends smiled in my direction,

"Ahh you're sweet", I blushed pulling her into me by the waist,

"Congratulations! I'm sorry about Grossman's though, how they took Sara Dagher and not you is beyond me!", Nora Winsgate scoffed taking a sip of her water.

Hang on... Sara wanted to be a doctor? And she got into Grossman's? I felt my face drop and my stomach clench,

"Sara got into Grossman's?", Maddy gasped throwing her hand to my right thigh,

"You didn't know? Mr Grey was congratulating her in home room this morning", Nora rolled her eyes,

"You're joking", I mumbled glancing over to her poised posture just metres away from me,

"But- She'd be a crap doctor! She's a massive bitch!", Maddy whined slamming her hands onto the table,

"Is she?", Lily Thompson furrowed her brows. Fuck, I forgot she was her lab partner in physics.

"Um, Yes! Have you forgotten how she treats my Jacob?", Maddy defended me raising her left brow and crossing her arms,

"No offence Mads, but don't you think you're exaggerating a little? I'm sure Jacob would agree that him and Sara have never gotten a long. Plus, there's been more than a few nasty comments from Jacob as well. Has anyone else on this table ever had any trouble from her?", Lily guarded gesturing to the rest of the table,

"We all know she's a cow", Nora exclaimed,

"How?", Lily asked leaning forwards slightly,

"She just is!", Another girl called Aimee joined in shifting closer to Maddy,

"Exactly! Not one of you can give me a single solid answer. As far as i'm aware, Sara has worked her ass off for this and has been nothing but kind to me- so unless anyone as a genuine reason for not liking her, I can't agree", Lily clapped her hands together once before opening her fruit bowl. 

I hated to admit it, but Lily had a point- Whenever Sara walked into a room, jealousy radiated off of the other girls- I could tell from the spiteful whispers and sinister side-eyes, but I'd never actually known of her being a bully to anyone. Sure She'd always stuck to her own group of friends and been quite a private person, but that didn't make her a bitch. 

"She's actually not that attractive if you look at her properly", Nora mumbled glancing over to their table. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

"You're just saying that because you have a thing for Tyler Gunderson Nora. She's so perfect it's annoying", Aimee sighed glancing over at her once more,

"Yeah well Tyler actually cheated on her with some other skank- so she can't be that perfect", Maddy snapped taking a bite into her apple. Ouch. Why are girls so bitchy? I felt my stomach clench and my fists curl- I shouldn't care, this is Sara Dagher we're talking about. I stayed quiet, squeezing my eyes shut at the awkwardness.

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