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Sara's POV

After the last dance at prom; Myself, Andrea, Emily and Eva had quickly stopped at my house to get dressed into something more comfortable. I'd chosen a little silk black dress with some transparent wedged heels. As a group, we'd agreed on wearing the same silk dresses, just in different colours which matched our prom dresses. After re-touching our make-up and the curls in our hair, it wasn't long until we were outside the familiar gates of Tylers house. He was hosting this year. 

It had been so long since I'd been here, I remembered it being bigger if I was honest, nevertheless it was nice to be somewhere familiar. The house was already packed as most people had gone straight after the event had finished at the resort- we were welcomed by our year-group dancing in his large dining room and drinking in the kitchen.

As the girls dispersed to find their boyfriends, I poured myself a large vodka and coke nursing it close to my chest- I did not fancy being roofied. Scanning the room, Jacob was perched on the kitchen island with Maddy stood in between his legs. He looked angry, throwing his hands into the air she stood still with her arms crossed. Whatever, he'd made his choice. Forcing my eyes away and ignoring the pang of jealousy in my chest, I'd noticed that Tyler was also stood by the fridge with Nora as she caressed his shoulders flirtatiously, laughing at something he'd said. Shaking my head and giggling to myself, I was glad he was finally having a good evening. 

"Hey, do you know where Matthew and James are?", Stephen asked curiously scanning the rooms briefly,

"I don't, I'm sorry. If I was to guess I'd say James is with Eva, I don't have a clue about Matthew though", I shrugged watching him nod slowly,

"Thankyou for the dance earlier, that was kind of you", I tilted my head and beamed as a light blush climbed onto his cheeks,

"Don't thank me- I was just gob-smacked someone else hadn't already asked you to dance", he chuckled standing next to me and leaning against the kitchen side,

"You're sweet. Nevertheless you definitely contributed to me having a good evening", I admitted taking a sip of my beverage. Stephen Grant was indefinitely attractive, his skin was a beautiful caramel colour with dark eyes that almost entirely concealed his pupils. He had a nice face structure too, with sharp cheekbones and a light coat of neat stubble dusting his chin and jawline. 

"So, are you here with a lucky lady?", I pried watching his tongue coat his bottom lip. That was attractive.

"No, I was with a girl from Westerville for a year but we broke up just after Christmas. Since then I've just been focusing on my exams. Are you here with anyone?", he went on sipping what looked like amaretto from his glass.

"No. Me and Tyler broke up a few months back so I've just been the same as you really", I sighed watching a small grin curl his lips upwards.

"That's good then", he hummed nervously placing his drink beside him and turning to face me,

"Oh, is it now?", my bottom lip slid in between my teeth. I knew it was wrong, but I began to think of Jacob. What would he do if he saw me cosying up with one of his closest friends? Call me petty, but it'd been a while since I'd had an orgasm, and Stephen was particularly pleasing on the eye. Plus, he'd been with a girl for a year, I'm sure he had experience. 

Placing one of his hands on the small of my back, I pressed my palm into his chest to keep my balance,

"Now this may or may not be the alcohol talking- but you look ridiculously hot tonight", he mumbled scanning my body with his eyes,

"Not so bad yourself, Grant", I giggled seductively tilting my head back slightly.

In my peripheral, I noticed Jacob who was now standing in front of the island with his body turned towards us. I don't know where Maddy had gone, but I felt an urge to toy with him some more. Sliding my right hand to the back of his neck, Stephen sighed slightly bringing his other hand to the top of my back,

Enemies with Benefits [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon