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Jacob's POV

"I still can't believe you and Sara are a thing now", Matthew scoffed as we crowded around a pool table in the games room crowded with people waiting for a turn,

"I know- believe me it caught us both by surprise", I chuckled thinking about the beauty just rooms away from me- god I was so lucky. 

"Well, all that pent up anger and frustration must result in some pretty soul-stirring sex", he replied crudely as he broke, 

"You're not wrong", I mumbled. She was everything I ever wanted, she felt like my best friend and soul-mate in one- god how I wanted her to be mine. I know we agreed we'd wait to see how things went whilst we were long-distance, but her simply being was making it difficult not to ask her.

"Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?", he continued as he potted a blue stripe,

"Yeah, I think I am", I sighed smiling to myself at the thought of her in the little black dress- she was so beautiful. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned my head to see the one person I din't want to see tonight. Maddy.

"Hi", she nibbled her bottom lip shyly, glancing up at me through her lashes,

"Hi", I responded bluntly watching her shuffle between her feet,

"Look, can we talk?", she asked timidly as I hesitated,

"Please Jacob, you owe me this", gesturing towards the door I reluctantly nodded following her up the stairs and into an empty room. 

"What's this about Maddy?", I sighed leaning against the door as she sat on the freshly made bed,

"It's not what you think- look, I really liked you and I was heart broken when things ended- but as I said it's not about us. I just need to show you something", she was so quiet, so uncomfortable- it was strange seeing her like this, she was usually so confident, so vibrant. 

"What? Are you okay?", I asked perching next to her at arm distance,

"I'm fine- I know you and Sara are together, Nora saw you together a couple of weeks ago. Which is okay don't worry, but she was on a run yesterday and saw her.", she continued making me roll my eyes,

"Okay, and?", I pried motioning for her to carry on,

"I hate to be the girl that has to tell you this, I just couldn't not tell you. She was with another guy Jacob, and they were kissing and hugging.", I felt my chest tighten,

"You're taking the piss, there's no way", I rose to my feet as she nodded desperately,

"Wait! I have photos", she added quietly pulling her phone from her pocket slowly and tapping at her screen. She couldn't be serious, this wasn't possible. 

Holding her phone in front of me, true enough, there was a photo of Sara and another man hugging. She kept swiping to show more; they were holding hands; he was kissing her on the cheek; her face nuzzled into his chest; they looked at each other with such admiration.

 I saw red, it's all I could see. A mist of deep ruby red clouded my vision as my breathing increased rapidly and my heart pumped thrice a second- I'd kill him. I wanted to scream, to punch the ground until it swallowed me hole- Sara Dagher had played me. Was this one of her cruel schemes? A way to get me back after years of torment? No wonder she asked me if I was seeing anyone else earlier, she was just trying to cover up her own tracks. Why would she involve me in her private life if she didn't give a shit about me? Was she just trying to sharpen the sting even more? I knew we weren't official, but fuck me, I couldn't breathe.

"Jacob, say something?", she stood face to face with me, a concerned and empathetic look plastered over her expression.

"Thankyou Maddy", I sucked in as she nodded taking my hand gently, 

"I'm so sorry Jacob- she never deserved you. I know we had our trials, but I truly loved you- and I still do truth be told. I can't let someone like that hurt someone I love", she confessed glancing at me through her thick lashes. 

I'd been a fool. I had a girl that was head over heels for me, one that I would never questions loyalty- and although she had her faults, she was good to me. What a fucking idiot. 

I couldn't let her get away with this, I needed her to feel the same pain as me, the same stab between the shoulder blade and stretch of the heart. I wanted to hurt her, to humiliate her the way she had to me. 

"Want to go for a dance", I smiled gently as she blushed,

"I'd like that", she nodded taking my hand as we headed back downstairs. And there she was- perched on a kitchen island surrounded by her friends sipping from her red cup with her legs crossed.

I fucking hated her. 

"Renegade" by Aaryan Shah was playing through the speakers as I hurled us to the front of the dance-floor only metres away from where she was sitting. Pulling Maddy into me, she rested her hands on my chest as I wrapped one on her waist and one on the small of her back. Our faces were so close as I craned my neck, and yet I made sure to keep Sara in my peripheral. 

I saw one of her minions nudge her causing her head to glance at her and then directly in front- perfect. 

Spinning us so that my eyes landed on hers, I grinned as her face dropped. Her lips parted and her brows furrowed as I pulled Maddy even closer- this was pure gold. Swallowing the feeling of how badly I wanted her to be in Maddy's position, I connected my lips to Maddy's. The sticky residue of her lip gloss made the friction next-to-impossible to work with, but for Sara's reaction it was worth it. I made sure for it to be a long kiss, maybe a minute or so? And it worked, because when we'd finished, Sara was gone. 

Sara's POV

"Sara!", Eva screamed after me as I reached an empty bedroom where I could finally let the tears fall. I shouldn't have let them start, because now they weren't stopping. Wave after wave I cried, clutching my chest at the throbbing pain emerging from my chest and the tightening of my throat whilst I fell to the floor.

 I genuinely thought he liked me- loved me. I'd shared the darkest part of me with him, things I'd barely told anyone before- and there he was, kissing the girl I hated right in front of my face.

He was never going to hear from me again, ever. 

I was heartbroken, and I was done- and I fucking hated him. 



Oh dear... do we think Maddy did it on purpose? Or did she actually think Sara was being unfaithful?

This chapter actually made me so sad:(


See you soon Darlings😘

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