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Sara's POV

Jack Roberts and I only lived a block away from each other, so it wasn't unusual for us to walk home together. I loved it when the sun kissed my face gently, it was the perfect temperature allowing me to bathe in it without the worry of burning. Closing my eyes we took each step slowly,

"You look so stunning when you're in the sun", jack flirted nudging me slightly. Giggling bashfully I turned to meet his charcoal grey eyes which looked brighter in this light,

"I'll be sure to only leave the house when the sun is out then", I jested pinching his chin gently,

"You know what I meant. Will your pare- Maria and Richard be in?", he corrected himself graciously glaring at the ground,

"I don't know, probably not. But it is a Friday so who knows", I shrugged avoiding each crack in the pavement,

"You're so strong", he sighed taking a sip of his energy drink.

"I'm sure others have it much worse", crossing my arms over my chest I pushed away the dread of being home a lone for the 5th day in a row.

"Do they know about your college acceptance letter?", he queried turning to face me slightly,

"I've left messages and voicemails, so hopefully! But maybe they haven't got round to checking", I bit my bottom lip anxiously. How badly I wanted them to be proud of me,

"How about you? Congratulations by the way! I can see you as a lawyer y'know", I grinned lopping my hand around his bicep,

"Thankyou! Yeah I'm dead excited, my parents are over the moon", he grinned as a light blush crept up his neck,

"So they should be! Drake is a really good school", I patted him on the back,

"It is- 9 hours away from here though", he sighed timidly,

"Hey, we'll be home for christmas, spring break and summer! It'll fly-by!", picking up on his anxiety I attempted to encourage him to which he smiled. Approaching the T-junction we came to a halt.

"Well, I'll see you Monday Sar", he pulled my waist in gently so that my hands landed on his chest,

"See you Monday", I whispered before pulling him towards me so that our lips could meet. His mouth tasted of cherry as he worked his lips against mine- I savoured the taste whimpering at our contact. Pulling him into a small hug, I slowly backed away. 

As I approached the gates, Maria's Porsche came into view. Tapping in the security code hastily, I sprinted towards the front door and into the kitchen where she stood in front of a large bunch of 'Congratulations!' Balloons and a large red velvet cake.

"Maria!", I gasped as she threw out her arms,

"There's my clever girl!", she squeaked pulling me into a big hug.

"It's so nice to see you", I grinned squeezing her slightly,

"And you beautiful, we've missed you!", she chanted gesturing towards the stairs when Richard came down loosening his tie,

"That we have!", he exclaimed as I ran to give him a hug as well,

"Congratulations sweetheart, We had no doubts!", he grinned holding the sides of my head gently. Sitting down at the table, it was the first time in a year since we'd had a conversation for longer than five minutes. I told them about school, my friends, Tyler and the situation with Maddy. 

I longed for a relationship like theirs; they were always so close to one-another calling each other sweet names like 'baby' or 'darling'. God it must be nice to be in love.

"We have a present for you", Maria grinned as Richard handed me a cube box with a small bow on the top- it resembled a ring box almost.

Opening it slowly, a key attached to a pink flamingo keyring sat up-right. Glancing up confused, they pushed a laptop towards me with a picture of an apartment. 

"You can't be serious?", I exclaimed feeling my eyes well and my heart throb. It consisted of a marble kitchen, a living room with a balcony attached and an en-suite bedroom. 

Throwing myself into their arms, I couldn't help but sob,

"It's small, but it's only 10-minutes walking distance from campus", Richard explained,

"This is amazing, I can't thank you both enough! As soon as I'm qualified I'll pay you back every single penny", I wiped my eyes glancing at the laptop screen once more,

"Nonsense! It's a gift! After all, You have to have somewhere to stay after you turn 18", Maria beamed proudly fiddling with the bow. My heart sank.

"Will I not be coming back here?", I whispered sitting down slowly,

"Oh honey- you can come and visit any time you like! It's just we're going to be moving to California in September for my practise opening in November- and Richard has been offered a promotion by a different firm! So it works pretty well", she giggled taking Richards hand.

"But that's a two day car drive from New York", I stated shyly twiddling my thumbs,

"As Maria said, you can come and visit whenever you like sweetheart, it's easy enough", he stated rubbing my upper back.

'That's if you ever pick up your phones' I thought to myself trying not to burst into tears.

"Oh baby don't look so sad, we thought you'd be prepared for this- you knew it was only until you are 18", Maria pouted squeezing my cheek gently. Pushing down my anguish, I forced a smile,

"No of course! I will just miss you both is all, I'm happy that you've got some exciting plans coming up", I smiled sweetly taking their hands once-more.

"That's our girl", Richard chuckled puling us both in for a hug. After another 20 minutes or so discussing details about college and trying to keep a smile plastered on my face, I made my way to my room flopping onto my bed.

I cried. I cried until my head pounded and my nose ran. I cried until no sound was leaving my body anymore.

The thought of having to find a job to afford the bills caused anxiety to flood through my veins- I would have nowhere to go for Christmas, spring break or summer. I would be on my own again.

'Why does no one want me',  My insides throbbed as I clutched onto my stomach. I knew that I'd never see them again, and the small hope of adoption had dissipated into thin air. 

At least I would have Emily who'd be attending NYU! There we go, everything will all be okay.

I hope so anyway.



My Heart = Broken.

Stop, her storyline makes me want to cry! I have a feeling she'll smash it though, and her relationship with Jack seems to be turning up a notch😉

What do you all think of Maria and Richard???


See you soon Darlings😘

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