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Sara's POV

"There she is!", Eva squealed as I walked through the doors of a bistro on the high street. Pulling her into a big hug, she was glowing with happiness dressed in a little blue sundress that showed off her slim build,

"Hey bride!", I chanted squeezing her tightly. Standing to their feet, myself, Emily and Andrea all took in turns to hug and greet each other- fuck how I'd missed them. A barrister came over and took our orders before the wedding chat commenced, 

"Okay, so... I have something to ask all of you", she hummed as we all looked at each other with curiosity. Reaching behind the sofa, she pulled out 3 white bags with sage green cursive writing on.

"Will you be my bridesmaids?", she chirped causing us to erupt in excited squeals, 

"Oh my god, yes!", Andrea cried throwing her arms around her,

"I feel so emotional right now- of course!", Emily winced kissing her on the cheek gently and pulling her and Andrea's bags over the table, 

"Yes, yes and yes. A thousand times over yes", I exclaimed pulling her into another big hug. 

"You're all going to make me cry", she sniffled pulling.a tissue to her face, 

"We're so proud of you Eva, and I can't wait to be a part of your big day", Wiping her eyes for her, I gave her a cup of water. 

"I can't believe one of us is getting married", Andrea announced throwing her hands in the air as we all giggled. After handing out many more hugs, our food finally arrived and we all tucked into our dishes, 

"So, as I mentioned we are having a few guests staying over in the Hilton. As you know all of your partners are invited and we want all of you to stay over with us", Eva continued as Emily clapped her hands together,

"Thankyou Eva", Emily beamed taking another bite of her omelette, 

"I'd love that so much baby! As I mentioned on the phone last week, George won't be able to come so it will be just me- is that okay?", I fiddled with my rings as Eva nodded,

"Yes of course", she chuckled placing a hand on my shoulder,

"What, why?", Andrea rose an eyebrow taking a sip of her tea, 

"He's at a big board meeting in Massachusetts general, it's been planned for ages- not that I know about it", I mumbled the last words,

"Stop Rea, I know what you're going to say", I sighed as she tutted,

"Sara, you know we'll always support you- there's just something off about him", she responded bluntly,

"Enough Rea, if Sara is happy so are we", Emily hummed as Eva nodded. 

"Has James chosen his groomsmen?", Andrea asked curiously taking a bite of her sandwich, 

"Yes he has! They don't know yet though- he's asking his brother to be his best man and then Stephen, Matthew and Jacob to be his groomsmen", she said his name under her breath. God, it had been so long since I'd heard his name- so long since I'd thought about him. Our graduation party all those years ago completely severed our ties, and we hadn't spoken since. 

"Shit", Andrea chanted sucking in slightly as Eva shuffled in her spot awkwardly,

"Hey, it's really not that big of a deal- it was so long ago! Besides, this is Eva and James' day and I'm so excited for that", I grinned pulling Eva into me as she sighed in relief,

"Oh thank fuck! I was shitting myself about telling you", she clung to her chest as the others giggled,

"What, why?", I laughed,

"Because you didn't get out of bed for weeks babe, you were heartbroken", she responded nibbling her bottom lip. She was right, he absolutely destroyed me. We weren't official or anything, but in some ways that made it hurt all the more. 

"As I said, it was a long time ago. I'm completely over it", explaining myself she kissed my cheek before digging back into her food again. I knew that after that night, Maddy and Jacobs fiasco started all over again- and boy did she make it obvious. There was a new post about him every single goddamn day for the next couple of months- I'd heard they weren't together anymore years ago, but I unfollowed and blocked the both of them. 

I wondered about what he was doing now? Was he the amazing doctor I knew he could be? 


Heading back to the apartment, George was sat at the island on his phone as I walked back in, 

"Hey baby-"

"Where have you been?", he interrupted slamming his phone on the side abruptly,

"To see Eva, Emily and Andrea about the wedding? I told you this last night", I sighed filling a cup full of water,

"It's 5Pm? And Don't tell me you were out for 5 hours", he scoffed shaking his head. George was fantastic in so many ways, but he did have a habit of slipping into irrational comments when he was tired. 

"Yeah, we were. We had lunch at 12, left at 3, went to have a look around some bridal shops for an hour and then had a drink at Paparazzi", I explained placing the bridesmaid gift bag in front of him,

"Swiping my credit card, no doubt", he mumbled under his breath which took me a-back,

"Excuse me?", I gasped sternly,

"When have I ever, and I mean EVER, swiped your credit card?", folding my arms over my chest he rose a brow, 

"I earn my own money George, and after our bills are paid I'm entitled to use it for whatever I like because I work hard for it. And I'll have you know, I didn't buy anything- just lunch and a drink", I snapped as he rolled his eyes,

"What about that sofa we just bought huh? My money!", he hissed pointing towards the black leather sofa behind us,

"Because you said you wanted to pay for it! I offered to go halves!", we were raising our voices now. He went quiet,

"Where is this even coming from?", I exclaimed slamming my hands on the table, 

"I'm sorry babe, I'm so sorry. I've had a shitty day, and the board at Massachusetts general have said they'd want me to start in December", he rubbed his temples as I scoffed,

"I don't give a damn George, never speak to me like that again", I growled storming into the bedroom and slamming the door shut. I fucking hate it when he's like this- sometimes I feel like a metaphorical punch bag used by him whenever he's had a minor inconvenience. Slipping into the shower I sighed as I massaged shampoo into my scalp. Was this long distance going to work? Did I want it to work? Whilst we didn't have a mortgage and just renting, I really needed to think this through.

Shaking my head and drying myself off, George was perched on the bed with his fingers intertwined .

"I'm so sorry Sara, you didn't deserve that", he hummed glancing up at me through his lashes,

"Too-right", hurling myself into my silk pyjamas he fell flat on his back, 

"You know I love you", he hummed turning his face towards me,

"I love you too", I smiled pursing my lips. I didn't want to move state, I'm happy where I goddamn am. I mean, I have savings from when I sold my first apartment when I moved in with George, that would be enough to get me started.

Fuck, I was being dramatic now. 



Do we think they'll stay together?

Also, let me know who you all want as your bridesmaids and groomsmen! I just adore Eva🥺

See you soon Darlings😘

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