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Sara's POV

Staring at my ceiling as 'flowers' by Miley Cyrus played on my phone, the thought of my parents span around in my mind like a ferris wheel. I was so desperate to see them, to meet them. The beige file was sat next to me as I fiddled with the piece of paper stating their address- my eyes felt like a camera lens, zooming in and then zooming out simultaneously on each letter and number in bold.

Reaching for my phone, I opened apple maps and typed in the address; 1hr 8 mins flashed in front of my eyes making my pupils dilate. It was August 3rd, 11.23Am. 

If I didn't see them today, I would procrastinate it and end up making excuses to avoid such, I knew myself too well. 

Taking a deep breath, I pulled up Eva's contact and pressed call. The rings seemed so much louder today, so much more deafening.

"Hey babe, everything okay?", her sweet voice bled into my ears,

"Hi angel, I'm okay! What are you up to today?", I asked sitting up right and pulling my knees into my chest,

"It's my cousins wedding today so I'm just getting ready!", she giggled as i slapped my forehead with my hand,

"Oh god I'm so sorry I completely forgot! I hope you have an amazing day, and send me pictures of you in your bridesmaid dress", I waffled as she chuckled,

"I will do! Are you okay?", she sounded concerned,

"I'm okay, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping but we'll do it another day", as we said goodbye, I pressed the red button and bit my lip. I could always try Emily? No, she's in Iowa visiting her grandparents for the weekend. 

A vibration came from my phone from Jacob,

Nerd: Hi, fancy a run? I miss u 

Feeling my cheeks blush and a large smile transpire onto my cheeks, I felt like kicking my feet. We'd spent more and more time together in the past month- we'd been bowling, mini golf, the movies- A LOT OF RUNS!

We'd decided to take things slowly though, I hadn't seen his family since our lunch a few weeks before for example. Heck- we hadn't even had sex since prom night. But it was amazing to just spend time together and get to know each other, I'd laugh my ugly laugh until my stomach hurt when I was around him, I was comfortable. It helped with him being easy on the eyes as well. 

We hadn't spoken about what we'd do when we got to college, then again, we weren't technically dating- just 2 friends with amazing chemistry (sexual and not). And I was okay with that, there was no pressure, no expectations. 

I needed someone I trusted today, someone I knew that wouldn't be judgemental, just there for me. I was so tired of hiding this huge part of me from him, it was exhausting. Pressing the little blue icon, it only rang once before his voice blessed my ears,

"Hey rival, did you get my message?", he greeted making a small smile appear on my lips,

"Hey nerd, I did. Look, can I come and pick you up?", I hummed chewing my fingernails anxiously,

"Yeah of course- where are we going?", he queried curiously,

"I'll explain on the way. Just um, bring yourself a drink and some food, it's a long-ish drive", I stumbled on my words squeezing my eyes shut tightly,

"Very ominous- are you okay? You sound nervous?", I could sense the concern in his tone which almost made me end the call and bury my face into the pillow,

"I'm fine, I promise! See you in 10", pressing the red button and hurling my files and tissues into a tote bag, I re-applied my mascara and pulled on some blue mom-jeans and a pretty baby-pink top. Tying my shoelaces and heading to my car, I was in front of his house before I knew it.

He was wearing some beige cargo's and a white graphic t-shirt pressing his glasses that I loved so much up the bridge of his nose as he jogged towards me. Flashing me a smile, he jumped into the passenger seat.

"Hi rival", he hummed clicking his seat belt into place. Pressing my foot on the accelerator, I could feel my bottom lip start to sting as my teeth nibbled furiously,

"You're starting to scare me, what's going on?", turning to face me, I closed my eyes and pulled over in a lay-by with my hands grasping onto the wheel. 

"I- Look, I need you to listen and not say anything. I need someone I can trust, and that's you", I sighed as he slowly nodded.

"When I was 4, I was taken away from my parents. They were drug addicts, and I haven't seen them since. That array of 'babysitters' through elementary school were my foster parents. That house I live in belongs to Maria and Richard Nelson, my current foster parents. When I turned 18, I was finally allowed my files where I found an address- their address. They live in Beaverscreek- I don't know if they're still there, or even if they're still alive- I just have to do this before I go to college because my foster parents have made it clear that once I move out that's it, and I don't know if i'll ever have this opportunity again. I had to say this face-to-face, and if you don't want to come I completely understand", I closed my eyes slowly, still not looking at him. My palms were sweating and my heart was pounding,

"Oh Sara", his soft voice broke the silence and his arms flew around me. Turning my face to meet his, he rested his hands on the sides of my face sensually,

"Why didn't you say anything?", he whispered as I felt my eyes glaze with tears,

"Only a few people know, and It's been so hard keeping it from you", I admitted sniffling my nose,

"I bet it has. I'm here for you always, and I feel honoured you've asked me to come with you", pressing his lips to mine briefly, he massaged the back of my head. After a few minutes, we headed off again as I watched the ETA get closer and closer. I couldn't bring myself to say much, but his hand on my thigh bought me more comfort than I could've asked for.

"How are you feeling?", he murmured as we passed the small white sign reading 'Beaverscreek'. Taking a deep breath in, I hummed,

"I'm terrified, excited, anxious. Basically every human emotion", I giggled nervously as he squeezed my thigh slightly,

"I'm proud of you for doing this. It must take so much courage", he always knew how to say the right thing.

As I followed the bendy roads, past the large houses and expensive cars, my phone now read '2 minutes'.

"49 Briar Avenue", I whispered before Jacob nodded in acknowledgement. As the time decreased, so did the quality of the buildings. The 4 bed's turned into 2 bed's and the cars were now non-existent. I slowly crawled to the next right turn, where the Ivy covered 'Briar Avenue' sign appeared. 

It was as if we'd driven through a portal- litter scattered across the street in front of the dilapidated buildings with smashed windows, boarded up doors and decaying pavements. 

"Do you remember?", he breathed with the same wincing expression as myself as he glared out of the windows,

"No, not yet", my brows furrowed as we reached number 40. We were close. 

I was terrified that they wouldn't be there, but even more scared that they would be. I hadn't even planned out what I was going to say to them, how I was going to act- Was I angry? Sad? Relieved? Happy to see them after so long? What if they weren't clean? What if they were that doped up they didn't remember me? 

"Sara", his gentle voice snapped me out of my trance. Turning my head, he was looking at a house to the right, his hand squeezing my thigh. Following his eye-line, the house I'd spent the first years of my life in emerged.

And the memories came flooding back.



Okay, so I'm warning you the next chapter is going to be quite heavy. No explanation required.

What are your predictions? Do you think Sara will meet her parents? 

Let me know in the comments!

See you soon Darlings😘

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