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Mild Sexual Content Warning😉

Sara's POV

I sat in the school library with Rea reading through my physics textbook not retaining any information. Tapping my pen against the pages, I sighed,

"Still upset about Friday?", she asked concernedly glancing up from her laptop,

"Not upset- annoyed", I admitted rubbing my eyes with my fingers,

"I get it- I mean we're in the 21st century for fuck sake. Have you spoken to him about it?", she queried tapping away at her document,

"Yep. It didn't go well", I felt my eyes roll,

"Why?", she chuckled,

"He pulled the 'Don't get upset over nothing' card" I imitated patronisingly,

"No offence Sara, but why are you still with him? He is treating you like shit nowadays", she pouted reaching for my hand,

"Because I love him. We've been together for 2 years, surely that accounts for something", I whined emotionally shutting my book,

"Oh honey I know. But he's making you feel some type of way and that's not okay with me", stroking my hand gently, she checked her phone.

"It's five minutes until our next period so we should probably head off", she stated shutting her laptop as I crammed textbooks into my bag.

I had maths. 

I couldn't help but replay mine and Jacobs interaction over and over again in my head from Friday night. I was nervous to face him, would it be awkward?

Heading to my classroom, Jacob was already seated and unpacking his pencil case. Taking a deep breath I headed over confidently taking a seat.

He was dressed in his usual jeans and baggy top style, but I couldn't help but see him in an entirely different light. I was drawn more to his cheekbones, his jawline, his neck for some reason. He stayed silent,

"Good morning to you too", I scoffed flipping my hair over my shoulder as he groaned at my presence.

"Did you enjoy the party spectacles?", I probed writing down the date,

"It was alright", he confessed adjusting his glasses,

"Did you?", he asked glancing at me,

"It was alright", I sighed reapplying my lip gloss,

"you do know this is math, not the beauty parlour?", he hissed glaring at me judgementally,

"Well it's a good job it isn't the beauty parlour because you'd be given a lifetime ban", I spat back,

"Oh you two enough! I'm trying to teach a class here", Mr Brown sighed crossing his arms and glaring at us.

"Sorry sir", Jacob apologised scribbling down some notes,

"'sorry sir'. You're such a brown noser", I imitated him noticing his side eye,

"Why do you have to be such a cunt", he sighed shaking his head,

"Fuck off", I mumbled,

"Gladly", he whispered. 

Jacob's POV

It is safe to say that when getting back home Friday night, I fucked my fist furiously. The little tease had left me in a state, a state that I was left in for the rest of the party. 

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