Chapter 1-5

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  Chapter 1, wake up

  ◎Poor! Really poor! ◎

  When Su Xiaoyan regained consciousness, she felt like she was in a furnace. Her eyelids were extremely heavy and she couldn't open them. She vaguely heard the helpless cry of the little girl, and the mute comforting voice of the young man whose voice was changing.

  The little girl stood by the bed. With her short body, she could only hold her sister's hand on the bed, crying softly, "Sister is still so hot, what should we do, oh oh..."

  "Ye Zi, please stay with the elder sister here first, and I will twist a towel over." Su Lesong reached out and touched his sister's head to comfort him. He glanced at the elder sister whose face was red with fever. He was very worried and hurriedly ran out to the yard. inside.

  The room became quiet. The little girl stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, climbed onto the bed with her hands and feet, stepped over her sister's body and nestled into the bed. She leaned over and said, "Sister, huh huh, huh huh, it won't be hot anymore."

  Then Su Lesong came in with a towel dipped in cold water and wrung out, and applied it to the forehead of the feverish girl on the bed. Then he turned to the little girl and said, "Zi Zi, you stay here with the eldest sister. I'm going to cook something. I can eat some when the eldest sister wakes up."

  "Okay, brother, go quickly!" Su Xiaoye still held her sister's hand. When she heard her brother say this, she nodded obediently and urged her.

  The room fell silent again.

  Su Xiaoyan was used to being alert at all times in the apocalypse. Whenever there was any disturbance, whether it was a zombie attack or a man-made surprise attack, she had to wake up immediately and prepare for battle.

  She was now stuck in the darkness and couldn't open her eyes, not to mention her whole body was hot and limp. However, she refused to accept her fate and relied on her tenacious willpower to try hard to get out of the darkness and open her eyes.

  Fortunately, the willpower that had been honed for many years in the apocalypse was still there, and a sudden burst of coldness on her forehead made Su Xiaoyan wake up completely. However, out of caution for unfamiliar situations and knowing that there would be no danger for the time being, she did not open her eyes immediately.

  Instead, Su Xiaoyan only opened her eyes when the young man with a little strength left and only the little girl was left in the room.

  The first thing you see is a dimly lit room, a shabby curtain, a patchwork quilt, and a hard bed board beneath you. Now that you're awake, you feel it even more intensely.

  My back hurts when I sleep, my legs hurt, my neck hurts, and my whole body feels weak.

  Su Xiaoyan looked at the little girl who had just "whispered" hard on her face. She wore gray clothes with patched holes and was very loose. She had short hair and a red nose. She might be tired from crying. Her small eyes were half-closed and a pair of The little hand didn't forget to hold his own hand.

  She probably knew that she had not entered the apocalypse, but had traveled to other places. After all, she was not used to being in such close contact with people, so Su Xiaoyan tried to take her hand away.

  The little girl suddenly woke up. When she opened her eyes and saw her sister awake, she hugged her sister's hand tightly with joy. She rushed over and surrounded Su Xiaoyan and shouted, "Sister, you are finally awake, wuwu, Ye Zi is so worried about you." "

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