Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 66

At the educated youth spot, others were still running around looking for a set of high school textbooks. Finally, they finally borrowed a set and had to assign tasks to copy. They took turns reading each other. Lin Shu and his wife I'm already holding a set of books and devouring almost all of them.

The two of them usually like to discuss these things with each other in the room, treating it as a couple's fun, and progress is very fast. Maybe they have a common goal and want to protect this home.

Su Lesong can be said to be relaxed here. Even when Sanlitun is bustling and a little chaotic, he can still work on the ground to earn cents during the day, go home to cook for his little sister in the evening, and hold a book after finishing his work at night. Looks great in the room.

In the past, reading was a joy amidst suffering, looking for a temporary harbor in the depths of the soul. Now there is no suffering, only joy.

During the two months of intense preparation for the exam, Su Xiaoyan also brought Dongdong back several times, just to check on Su Lesong's mental state. Seeing that he was confident enough without any panic, he would also take the initiative to ask some questions that he couldn't understand. She also felt relieved.

The weather was a bit cold, and Dongdong was wearing a thick red cotton jacket, as happy as a lucky doll.

She is now at the age where she is very active but can't walk yet. She reaches out to the group of children playing next door and babbles excitedly. Those are Aunt Gu's grandchildren, and they just happened to get together today.

"Oh, this kid is so handsome. He looks so much like you, Miss Yan!" Aunt Gu came over to chat with her. She hadn't seen the girl from the Su family for a long time.

Look at this "lucky baby" with big and clear eyes. She smiled and said, "It's called Dongdong, right? Does Dongdong know how to call daddy now?" Dongdong is

not afraid of strangers. She is very happy when she sees an adult talking to her. Just respond with babbling.

Su Xiaoyan held the thumping Dongdong steady, shook her head and said with a smile: "My nickname is Dongdong. This child gets excited when someone calls her, and she doesn't know how to call people yet."

Dongdong can already make some clearer sounds. In terms of modal particles, she can crawl on the floor smoothly at home, but calling "Mom and Dad" is still a bit difficult for her.

"It's almost time. The child is one year old and he's jumping out one word at a time." Aunt Gu said that her son and daughter-in-law have been filial in recent years, relying on the things she and Xiaoyan secretly made before. I also saved some money, often adding some oily smell to my house and living a good life.

The idle talk was nothing more than village gossip. Naturally, Aunt Gu also mentioned the recent resumption of the college entrance examination.

Most people in the village didn't seem to get along with the educated youth. Even Aunt Gu couldn't help but complain. She looked at Su Xiaoyan as if she was remembering something and said, "Hey Xiaoyan, you were a high school graduate before, now. If my son goes to take the college entrance examination, he won't be worse than them."

She glanced at Dongdong, sighed softly and couldn't help but said, "But Dongdong is still young now, and it won't be convenient for you to start a family."

In Aunt Gu's view, women After getting married, the whole person is bound to the family, and you are not free to do whatever you want. No matter what, you have to take care of the family.

In fact, after the college entrance examination was resumed, college students who get married and have children go to study every year. Su Xiaoyan didn't say much about this issue. She just smiled and said, "I've probably forgotten all the knowledge I've learned over the years."

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