Episode 4: Rhea's Gold

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Joe, Chloe and Raheem were all on the couch with Raheem looking very grumpy.

Joe: Hey Raheem... You okay? You seem a little Rundown.

Raheem: Well maybe, it's because I had to sleep on the couch And You're too cheap to turn on the heater!

Joe: hmmm let's see, why might I be trying to save money. I dunno, maybe it's because WE OWE TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!

Chloe: and you only have 2 weeks left.

Joe: I can still hear that Prick in my ear....


Jordan: You only have TWO! WEEKS! LEFT! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Raheem: We have 13 grand, how we gonna get the remaining 12?

Joe: I Just Remembered! Rhea Found a ton of Pirate Gold out in the Woods!

Raheem: There were pirates in the woods?

Joe: uhh yeah, and there was also a Ton of Ninjas.

Raheem: Ya know, our lives have been so screwy, it's hard to keep up sometimes.

Joe: Yeah, they would've made good stories on Wattpad.

All 3 look at the camera and Extend their arms as cheering noises are heard.

Raheem: But wait, wasn't that gold used to Pay rent for this house Back in the Day?

Joe: You really think She had the energy to carry All that gold? She told me where to find the Rest in case we ever needed it.

Chloe: But Joe, aren't you worried about the pirates?

Joe: Pfft. The only pirates these days are the ones on the Internet!

The Woods...

Joe: I don't understand. It was supposed to be along this Trail somewhere.

Raheem: We've been searching for over an hour.

They then hear a creepy laugh.

Raheem: What was that?

Suddenly a Crazy insane Looking man appears behind them.

???: Where do you boys think you be running off to?

Joe: Uhhh just taking a walk?

???: You wouldn't be looking for Buried Treasure Would ya?

Raheem: Hey, How did you-

Joe Elbows Raheem in the stomach HARD!!!!

Raheem: oooooh [Censored]

Joe: No nothing like that at all.

??? Gets EXTREMELY close to Joe.

???: Because they say this land be cursed, and treasure will only bring you Death! And pain!

Joe: Okay back off, Jesus Christ your breath Fuckin' stinks. Listen We gotta get moving.

???: Alright. I won't hold you boys up anymore... But BEWARE!! These woods are... Haunted!!... Haunted...

He walks away, continuously Saying "Haunted".

Raheem: What a strange Person.

The two walk further into the Woods, With the camera showing that Joe has the script of this episode in his back pocket.

They Keep walking until they find a folded piece of Paper with "Joe" Written on it.

Joe picks it up, and it turns out to be a Note from Rhea.

Raheem: What does it say?

Joe: it says... Ahem... "Hey Joe. If you or Raheem are reading this letter, I'm very deeply sorry, but I needed the rest of the gold for a getaway Aria and I are going on. I deeply apologize 😞. Oh, and can you tell Frank he can stop scaring people? He was protecting the gold and I knew you two would keep looking after his warning. I tried to tell him myself but I guess this is just who he is now."

Joe and Raheem walk away. The insane crazy man, who you now know as Frank, just randomly laughs.

Back at the house....

Raheem: Maybe we should get a lawyer to help sort this out.

Joe: a Lawyer?! Are you Fuckin' kidding me? That would cost like, a ton!

Suddenly, A Lawyer pops up out of thin air.

Lawyer: Did somebody say a Lawyer? Hi, I'm a Financial devisor and Tax Attorney.

Joe: Wow that sounds too good to be true and Hard to believe Convenient.

Raheem: Hold on, don't you think it's a bit odd that this guy looks EXACTLY like Keku?

Joe: Hey! A Lot of people look like Keku.

The camera shows a fuck ton of movies Starring Keku's Face claim, Keanu Reeves as Well as One of Raheem's own book...

Joe: See?

Lawyer: So... Including paper fees, paper filing fees, (inaudible cause he's talking way too Fucking fast), and my Personal Fee... That's a total of 7 Grand! That's a steal!

Joe: 7 Grand? That's more than half of what we have? What benefits do we get?

Lawyer: Well, my Job is to talk to the IRS and smooth everything over and "Possibly" Get your fee completely waved.

Raheem: Hold on, did you just say "Possibly"?

Lawyer: Haha I said I'll talk to the IRS and "Possibly" Get your fee completely waved. Completely. Gone.

Raheem: So we pay you 7 Grand, so that we MIGHT save 25 grand?

Lawyer: No no no, you gotta look at it like this, You're paying 7 Grand to eliminate completely the need to pay 25 grand. "Possibly" "no guarantees".

Joe looks at the camera.

Joe: Lawyers.

Joe looks at the lawyer.

Joe: We'll do it!

They shake hands.

Joe: Jordan will have to negotiate now right? It's not like he's Evil or anything.

Jordan's laughter can suddenly be heard.

End of Chapter

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