Episode 10: Squall moves out

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Raheem wakes up on the couch by himself, confused on where Squall was.

He walks outside and sees Joe and Dario on the swings joking.

Joe: And that's when I said, That's no airplane, that's my wife!

Dario: HA!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!

Raheem: Hey guys. Have you seen Squall?

Joe: Nope. He left a few hours ago.

Dario: Chloe's Not here either. She's delivering something to the thrift store.

Raheem walks further down the street where Squall was at.

Raheem: Squall. Where'd you go?

Squall: Oh I finally got my own place.

Raheem: Really? How are you going to pay for all that shit?

Squall: oh I got a job at the Weekly cosplay convention. Can you believe they thought I was wearing a costume?

Raheem: Uhhhh yeah, I can believe that.

Squall: oh.... Well, I'll see you later Raheem.

He leaves. Raheem Smiles brightly and heads back home.

Meanwhile, Joe and Dario are still on the swings.

Joe: So how are you supposed to Get back to Botan and Kiara now?

Dario: I don't know man.

Chloe suddenly appears.

Chloe: I do 😊

Dario: You Do?

Chloe: Yep. Here's some money 😊

She throws $500,000,000,000,000,000 worth of bags on Dario.

Dario: Chloe! I just said 5 grand.

Chloe: I know 😊

Joe: Chloe did you steal that?

Chloe: ....... Um... Maybe.

Dario: Oh well, I can finally see them again! Yahoo!!!

He runs off like a greedy little bitch.

Joe: Chloe, we talked about this, you don't steal money.

Chloe: Sorry...

End of Chapter

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