Episode 12: Raymond Meets Squall

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Chloe: YOU.... Are The Legend Phoenix? No offense but I was expecting something a little.... Cooler?

Legend Phoenix: Well, I'll have you know that there's lots I can do.

Chloe: Like what? I'm pretty curious.

Legend Phoenix: Well-

Roman walks into the Scene.

Roman: So Chloe, Why didn't You come to our meeting the other day?

Chloe: Oh you mean when You killed Joe? Which by the way, Fuck you for that!

Legend Phoenix: Joe's Dead?!

Roman: Who's THIS?

Legend Phoenix: I am the Legend Phoenix.

Roman: Ugh!!! I'm so tired of this shit! I thought Joe said we were Done with this Shit!

Chloe: Well I guess he forgot that some point or another, Trouble always follows us here!

Legend Phoenix: So Joe's alive?

Roman: Ugh! Yes! He's alive! What is wrong with you!?!?!

Legend Phoenix: I have only heard from You Two that Joe's a Confusing, Forgetful, Annoying and Quite Possibly crazy Undead person. Are you sure you're his friends?

Chloe: I-It's... Complicated.

Roman: It's not complicated, They definitely Fucked.

Chloe: R-R-Roman!!

Legend Phoenix: .... I'd like to see Joe now.

At the house...

Raheem was Playing a game of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Raheem: Joe, Did you fall asleep?!

Yes he did. But then a mysterious Voice.

???: Joseph! Joseph can you hear me? Can you see me?

Joe: Huh... Who are you?

???: I am-

Raheem: JOE!!!!!

Joe wakes up.

Joe: Sorry... Must've dozed off.

Raheem: Did you hear ANYTHING Raymond said?

Joe turns and sees Raymond Major sitting in between them.

Raymond: I saw a suspicious man in the woods.

Raheem: Hahaha oh that's just Frank. He thinks he's protecting something out there.

Raymond: no... Not him. A crazy light crashed down and a man came down with it.

Joe: hmmm... That sounds an awful lot like how Squall got here. Maybe you should ask him if he's seen anything.

Raheem: What are you gonna do Joe?

Joe: I'm gonna go Find Frank and see if he saw anyone down there.


Raheem and Raymond were walking out, looking for Squall.

Squall (from behind): Hey guys.

The two Jump.

Raymond: So you're Squall huh? How'd you sneak up on me?

Squall: I find that a Smart, Tactical approach can accomplish any deed.

Raymond: Well I find that a Quiet Stealthy method is the way to go.

Squall: Tactics

Raymond: Stealth!

Squall: Tactics!!

Raymond: Stealth!!!

Squall: Tactics!!!!

Raymond: .... Stealth!!!!!

Raheem: Can't Stealth be a part of your tactics, and your tactics include stealth? I don't see how those two are mutually exclusive.

Squall: *sigh* Raheem, it's all about what word you use to describe your main mode of Epicness.

Raheem: I see, well if you two Egos are done, can we talk about the man in the woods?

Raymond: A man hit the Ground!

Squall: Well that doesn't sound like a Time compression wormhole.

Raheem: I just Realized! I can't believe I didn't remember before!

Raymond: What?

Raheem: That sounds like a Portal to Phoenixville.

Inside the House...

Chloe, Roman and Legend Phoenix enter the house.

Chloe: Joe!! Raheem!!

Legend Phoenix: Where are they?

Roman: Oh ya know them, Always on the move!

BAM the power goes out Again!

End of Chapter

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