Episode 17: Filler

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Chloe Walks over to check the mail. She grabs a letter and Reads it.

"Sup Bitch.
How's Joe Doing? Actually don't answer that. I don't care. I was just told By Dario that you're off hanging out with That Drunk Fuck and his Loser Friends while I'm here Living in up with My Much Cooler friends. Come on Chloe, Join us, This is your Chance to be cool again."

Chloe: Firstly, I doubt Dario said Shit to you, and second, I think I'll stick with the "Loser Friends". At least They're Actually my friends.... And Real.

She tosses the letter out and walks back to the house.

However, Upon heading back to the house it When a Car parks behind her.

The Door Opens, Revealing it to be...

Kiara: Hey Chloe!

Chloe: Oh Great. Hey Kiara, What's up?

Kiara: Well, I figured I'd come visit you And The Pyrokinetic Drunk. Where is he?

Chloe: He and His Friend Raheem are coming up with a Strategy to keep enemies off the property.

Kiara: And what about you?

Chloe: I'm coming up with a few things of my own. Say, Shouldn't Dario Be here too?

Kiara: It's His Night out with Botan, It's my Night with him Tomorrow.

Chloe: I see.

The Two walk into the house and hang out.


Joe: Okay, We have 2 options...

April: About what? You've been staring at That Rock for the past 3 hours.

Joe: I'm Thinking!!

April: About What? Strategy or Food?

Joe: Well... Ya see...

April: Spit it out already!

Joe: Pizza... Or pasta?

April: I knew It!!

Joe: Relax April. We just need a magic barrier or something-

Squall: Guys! I've been standing here the entire time! Why do you never ask me?

April: I honestly didn't see you there.

Squall: Stand back.

He casts a magic barrier spell on the Entire property.

Squall: Now whenever an enemy comes past the barrier, I'll be notified. So unless someone's Already Here, We're good.

April: That's actually pretty damn impressive.

Joe: I thought cussing was my Thing.

April: Joe, you're not the only Fucking one who can God damn swear Bitch.

Squall: From now on if you Need ANYTHING else, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask.

Joe: Gotcha.

End of Chapter

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