Episode 5: Here to Stay

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Joe and Raheem were standing at their fence.

Raheem: So what are we doing now Joe?

Joe: Waiting...

Raheem: I have a bad feeling that we just gave that Guy our money and he just took off.

Joe: You mean, maybe he wasn't a real lawyer?

Raheem: Yeah... I mean, how many times have we been Duped.

Joe: This week or all time?

Raheem: All time.

Joe thinks about it for a sec.

Joe: I lost track.

Raheem sees someone in the distance.

Raheem: Who's that?

Joe: not sure. We'll take care of it.

They walk towards the man who was approaching the property.

Man: I'm looking for Joseph Marshall and Raheem Rollins.

Joe: That's us.

Man: I'm with The IRS. Your lawyer sent us a Strongly Worded letter.

Raheem: If you're with the IRS, Why didn't they just send Jordan Devlin.

Man: Ah yes, that's why I'm here. You see, there's no one by that name in our Employment.

Joe: You mean Jordan Doesn't even work for the IRS?

Man: Exactly. Based on Marshall's Family history, his inheritance of the Deed, and The DKV's service to the community, This house is yours. Free and clear with no strings attached.

Raheem: The DKV serves the community?

Joe: Where were you last month? We Almost lost the Fucking Universe.

Man: of course, now, this Devlin fellow, will owe us a Huge Fine for impersonating an IRS agent.

Joe: looks like we can keep our 13 grand.

Raheem: 6 grand.

Joe: Huh?

Raheem: we had to give our lawyer 7 Grand.

Joe: oh, yeah, shit.


Raheem: That no good Trickster.

Chloe: I can't believe he would stoop this low!

Joe: You can't? This is Jordan Devlin we're talking about here! The guy hasn't been honest a day in his life!

Chloe: but you believed him.

Joe: well who would lie about working for the IRS?

Chloe: An asshole trying to rip you off.

Joe: ..... Yeah.

Knock Knock!

Joe: That's Jordan. Let's go.

He and Raheem get up and meet Jordan Out Front.

Jordan: It's been 2 Weeks! Where's! My! Money!

Joe: Yeah.... About that.

Jordan: Ha! I don't like the sound of that!

Raheem: You're a crook! You don't even work for the IRS!

Jordan: Oh, I see you've discovered my little secret.

He then pulls out a Gun and aims for the two.

Jordan: Hand Over What you have or Else!!

Joe: Nope.

Jordan: I'm serious!! You don't think I'll shoot?!

Joe: you won't have time to shoot.

Jordan: Oh Yeah? And Why-

Joe throws a fireball at his face.

Joe: because when there's a fireball in your face, it's hard to aim.

Jordan weakly gets up and snarls at them.

Jordan: You... Stupid Fuckers

Raheem: Yep! Here to stay!

Jordan: You haven't seen the last of me! I'll be back, With Reinforcements!


Raheem: Yeah, Get out of here Scumbag!

Jordan Angrily Leaves.

Joe: Alright!

Raheem: And we have 6 grand to keep!

The IRS agent pops up from behind a tree.

Man: Actually I require 6 grand for making a house call.

Joe: What? You've gotta be Shitting Me! You're joking!

Man: I never joke.

Joe: Fine! I'll send you a money order!

Man: Thank you. Good day.

The man leaves, Never to be seen again after this episode so why am I even paying this fucker.

Raheem: Well, at least we got ourselves out of another Terrible situation.

Joe: What could possibly go wrong now?

They both look at the camera as the episode ends.

End of Chapter

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