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elliptical, adj.

The kiss I like the most is one of the slow ones. It's as much breath as touch, as much no as yes. You lean in from the side, and I have to turn a little to make it happen.

Dani was very excited to see her granny after her mum had given her a bath and, after drying her hair, their child had been asking them every ten minutes if they could go

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Dani was very excited to see her granny after her mum had given her a bath and, after drying her hair, their child had been asking them every ten minutes if they could go. Of course, what Dani wanted, Dani will get.

So, after baking and a quick shower for her parents, freshly baked pastries and a few dishes loaded inside Michelle's car, they were on their way to her granny's house.

Rhian and Max, with her husband, were in the study packing the gifts that Michelle's mum will give to the hospital patients that she had been a patron with for a long time.

She's staring. Ann could feel Michelle's eyes on her, watching her like a hawk while she did something, whether they were in her mother-in-law's kitchen or in the lounge where everyone was chatting and catching up with each other. Michelle's mother had invited some of her friends and their family, which the couple and Max did not expect that this Christmas would turn into a full-blown dinner party.

Dani was preoccupied upstairs, in her own playroom that her granny had set up for her with their children guests.

Whenever she gets a glimpse of her girlfriend and caught Michelle already staring back at her, Anntonia couldn't stop feeling giddy. Like they were back in college again, when they had to study in the huge and busy library of Columbia University. They always couldn't take their eyes off of each other.

Her phone rang, and she saw it was Cassie. She smiled at her lover who's sitting in the living room one last time before she went to the kitchen to take the call.

"Hi, Mrs Dee. Sorry, I know it's Christmas and you're probably celebrating it with your family, but I just got a call from the realtor that we hired to sell your house here in Manhattan and I'm happy to tell you we've found a buyer."

She beamed. "Hello Cassie, dear! I should be the one who's sorry. Because I'm making you work during the holidays. You could've just called me after the holiday and got a break from all the work." We both chuckled. "But I'm so happy that you've found a buyer. Could you please email me all the details and when I should come to meet them?"

"Sure thing, Mrs. Dee, is the boss flying with you and Dani?"

She looked over to where she could see anyone and saw a deep frown on Michelle's face.

"No, Dani has school and your boss has to stay with her, and she's kinda busy here. But hopefully, we'll get back after a year." She smiled, imagining about the three of them back in their house in Manhattan.

"Alright, Mrs. Dee, I'll see you when you get here then. Merry Christmas!"

"Really, Cassie, thank you so much for your help. Enjoy the holidays!"

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