Chapter three

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I march up the stairs, feeling like I'm climbing spiked obstacles instead.

Who the Hell does that mad woman think she is to wrap her palm fully around my life? She made it pretty obvious she wants to get rid of both me and Chaeyoung, hence sending me to a boarding school settled in god knows where.

I feel a little diggy, a feeling similar to rolling on the sharp edge of a roller-coaster ride or falling off a cliff. As if your insides are launching upwards, leaving you feeling empty and ajar.

No matter what's the case, I'd rather flee this hollow house by myself than head somewhere far worse–plus, I know my mother pretty well to guess she won't be sending me to a school filled with flowers and butterflies.

So, increasing my pace towards my bedroom, I decide that I'm left with no choice but to flee this co-castle. I won't be packing loads of stuff, although that alone makes me feel nauseous with nerves. Oh God, what the Hell am I going to do? Fleeing to foreign streets is equal to staying in a house with a strict and controllable parent. Yet. . .yet I find the latter by far the worst.

Dashing into my room, I harshly close the door behind me. Leaning against the doorframe, I exhale a long, trapped breath.

Ugh. Can my day get any worse? First the letter from my father, and now this? Not to mention the agony I've felt before fainting, and that strange dream.

As I reopen my eyes, the answer to my question becomes clear. My day, in fact, is going to get much worse.

I become a statue except for my blinking eyes. Oh goddesses, has the trauma finally reached my brain cells? Because what I'm gazing upon doesn't align with any of the researches and articles of hundreds of centuries of science. For what I'm looking at right now, sitting on my damn bed, is an elf.

The thing is so short that his eyes might only see from my shoulders and down. His eyes are ample, inside them a mixture of a light inky substance, between a gas and a liquid. His ears have sharp edges, so long that they dangle on both sides of his round, oval head. His skin is so pale that he looks almost invisible. He's wearing a baby-sized formal navy suit, which makes him look a whole lot creepier.

I finally come to the conclusion that I must have entered some fairy tail webtoon–that's the only explanation to the creature lazily staring at me through such wide eyes.

Suddenly, faster than a blink, the elf sprints outside my open door.

Maybe I am plagued by some kind of spirit, or maybe it's simply utter idiocy and foolishness, but I find myself running after him.

''Hey!'' I shout, following his petit fleeing figure.

He runs in inhuman Jeon Somi, his slight legs easily carrying his upper body, making him gain pace faster than mine.

Every time I exhale sharply, his ears twitch, giving away the fact that he can sense me sprinting behind him.

This conclusion alone should have stopped me in my tracks, this fact alone should have let me know that the elf is deliberately leading me somewhere–a place that would definitely not work in my favor.

Casually, I realize where he's taking us.

The chambers. Where the boilers are set.

 Where the boilers are set

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