Chapter five

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It's been exactly fifty seconds since I've started running, yet my legs are already close to giving out. Gulping in fear, I put my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath. The streets are brimming with citizens and tourists, which is great; it'll be harder for Killer to find me if he ever comes seeking me out. The roads are chock-full of traffic from both vehicles and carless adolescents, the numerous markets overwhelmed with side-street shops and the homeless, and developing musicians can be found every here and there. I've never liked this city. I honestly can't figure why, but a feeling tells me I've been blessed with much more.

feeling like adrenaline has finally started pumping through my nervous system, I take a deep breath, and break into a sprint.

The fear of Killer hiding amongst these countless people makes me keep running forward. A monster born from the darkest nightmares–a killer, indeed, that I can't face if I am unwanting to die.

Stopping in front of a bus stop, I wait impatiently for any bus to pass by. All I desire is to flee as far away as possible from both crazy parents and even crazier creatures. Hell, I haven't even fully processed that this is actually happening to me.

I can almost imagine his shadow looming from behind me, with lush poison dripping over his spiked back. A shiver racks through me when I come to realize that I'll pay for disobeying Killer sooner or later. Chaeyoung, what have you done?!

What I have done is leave my family with murderers cuddling between their boilers like a total idiot. Dammit, this isn't about being free from my mother's clutches anymore, this is about leaving my only family like wrapped meat for the wolves to devore.

Shit, shit, shit. What. Have. I. Done?

However, like a coward, when a bus finally stops by to gather passengers, I climb on with the invading people.

. . .

Peeling my eyes open, I yawn in exhaustion, still very much sleepy. Looking over at my phone, I realize I've dozed off for two hours. My eyes widen in urgency, and I motion for the driver to stop the bus so I can hop off.

Jumping off the bus, I find myself gazing upon an unfamiliar neighborhood. The stinky smell of spilled alcohol fills the air, mixed with the scent of smoke and weed. The worn out buildings are decorated with electricity wires, some used for wet clothes to be hung over. Point is, I have hoped to find myself somewhere. . .nicer. This is obviously where thieves and gangsters get drunk. Where blood feuds take place. At this point, I've broken the record of making the most terrible decisions in less than twenty-four hours.

Good side: at least I can see an open shop at the end of the alley.

I pace towards the cabin-like shop in a rush. Taking my hands on everything I find capable of calming my screaming stomach, I put everything on the counter, waiting patiently as the shopkeeper scans my stuff.

''You're not from here, are you?'' the old man asks me.

I shake my head. ''No.''

''Hmm.'' He lifts his eyes to look at me. ''I assume the curse has reached your city then? That's why you're here?''

''Curse? What?'' Then I remember the article titled 'Evil Has Found Us!' that I read this morning, and I start laughing. ''Oooh! I get what you're saying, sir. Though you must know that is nothing but rubbish, right?''

''Rubbish?'' He genuinely looks confused. ''You must be mistaken, girl.''

I narrow my eyes. I thought he was merely messing with me. ''Why?''

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