Chapter eleven

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I am walking along the gardens. Roses red as blood, trees lanky as high-towered buildings, lush tender leaves and profound silvery cover their stems , fruits as sweet as nectar overwhelm the crops, covering the land that is called 'The Gardens Of Nirvana'. Such heavenly gardens. I myself look like a well dressed empress, my bodice covered with a long snowy dress so smooth it casts no motion over my bare skin under. My waist is sheeted with golden jewelries and all kinds of sea stones, long buried under the oceans. My hair is made into fine knots of long bread circling the back of my head, added to it some brightly golden hairs and flowers even more glorious than the ones of this previous garden. Some of my hair's curly strands drop loose behind my ears. I could feel my face covered with star powder and crushed gold. I look like an angel coming straight from heaven, unless that's exactly where I am. I laugh at myself, still marching the Gardens Of Nirvana towards the castle. A whole banquet is waiting for my fine speech, and here I am, walking with total arrogance and disJeon Somi. People fear me, they cannot speak against me even if I stick a sword into their heart with no justice. My arriving late has become a habit they all well adapted to.

I am the daughter of the waves, and I have the strength of its commands. My mood and attitude reflect not by me, but by the whole territory of the seas, rivers, lakes and oceans. That's another reason for the folk to fear me. Which I buy as much as I please.

The castle finally comes to full view, its brilliance still startles me, even after long years of sleeping inside its chambers. The blossoms, sea shells, roses and thorns all embrace its walls like a proof of the blessing we have been gifted by the Goddess of Blaze. The castle contains four main entrances, all more welcoming than the other. Its walls are built of bricks each given by its warrior. Indeed, the castle itself took centuries to build, for the royals insisted on building it with honor, which soon forged to the result of building it with the brick of each fallen warrior. Before the castle was built, the royal bloodline decided to build it by the brick of each death of the soldier who owned it, as a reminder of their honor. After they all agreed to the vow, each born child would be given a brick, and if the child had grown to become a soldier and died in battle, their brick would be put on the vast castle itself with all the other bricks to form what the castle is now.

I arrive at the first main entrance. The guards guarding it bow deeply, offering all the same prayers they can afford to vow. I know I should be honored, but I have grown used to it, and now it's nothing but an old boring habit. I pass the vast corridors and passageways. I come to some of my closest servants and make a slight chat with them as well. Gabriella Blueberry has become one of my best mates–I've always been lonely in the castle. People haven't got the courage to grow a friendship with a future empress, of course. Except for a maid who used to clean my private chambers; now she's my only and favored person I have grown to love–Gabriella.

When I finally arrive at the ball room, the royal general declares my arrival as always, by saying: ''Princess Roseanne Light Ludetta, daughter of the sea, favored kin among us and future queen of Avanoska .''

I walk past my people. All of them give me chased kisses on my palms and some even fall on their knees. Others throw wildflowers my way with another prayer followed after. Blessings and oaths spoken all the way, while I march towards the royal table–my chin raised high. I glimpse my former enemy; Kim Seok-jin Jules. His long snowy hair bleeding like white blood on his broad shoulders, his long lashes cover his dangerously evil beautiful eyes, wide and inky with cobalt, blue liquid. His cheekbones are magnificently perfectly pointed, right to the edge of his pointed ears. His posture brilliant and alien. He's inhumanly striking. If I didn't know better, I would have fallen for him like all the other foolish royals do, too.

Seok-jin Jules and I used to play together when we were young, always chasing each other along the long green fields surrounding the massive palace grounds.

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