Chapter fourteen

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While we eat breakfast, there isn't a faint sun to warm the kitchen—the sunny atmosphere is replaced today by dangerously large clouds. Oatmeal cereal, whole-grain toast, English muffins with cheese, and boiled eggs are spread on the redwood table. Lisa's frown deepens with every second that passes, upset that we haven't boiled her any tea.

''I really am disappointed.'' she finally grumbles, filling the long silence.

''We'll make tea next time, huh?'' Hyunjin smirks, blowing her a kiss—I feel I might puke.

''I'm not sure why I haven't choked you yet.'' she growls, gripping her fork somewhat tightly.

''Hmm, we could actually try that thing.'' Hyunjin claims, a new type of mirth playing in his eyes, confirming he'll say something naughty."

''Hyunjin!'' Lisa shrieks, her cheeks burning with color.

He lifts his hands in surrender, ''Meant no offense, love.''

''Sick love birds.'' Chanyeol mutters across the table, earning a soft slap from Nayeon.

It's taking all my willpower to not bark with laughter, biting the insides of my cheeks like an idiot.

''Chaeyoung looks like she'll lose it any time now.'' Felix observes, I kick him in the leg under the table. ''Ow.''

''You know,'' Momo begins to say, her mouth filled with unchewed muffins, ''I bet Chaeyoung is the one teaching Hyunjin such rotten habits.''

''Agreed.'' Nayeon nodes, lifting her chin towards her in confirmation. Her hair is the most beautiful shade of yellow, with some strands a bit more deep, others more light. It's brilliant.

''You can all blame me as much as you like.'' I mutter, ''Although for a bunch of thieves like you, I bet you can curse like pirates.''

I add another wobbly egg to my plate, with some cereal to a bole. I know I'm only adding more food to my unfinished plate just so I could convince Nayeon that I've started eating well. She's been overwhelming me all about looking like a 'a dirty wet sock' till I decided to give a try to pretending.

It seems it didn't work, considering that I just saw her roll her eyes.

''I rented two cars.'' Chanyeol suddenly says, his voice surprisingly hoarse.

''He stole one.'' Hyunjin winks at me, probably aware of Chanyeol's killing glare.

''You're a brat, you know that right?'' Chanyeol protests, shaking himself away from Hyunjin's comforting touch.

''I forgot to thank you...'' I address Chanyeol, suddenly anxious. ''...for mending to my injuries.''

Everyone suddenly looks interested in their plates a bit too much.

''Ah, yeah.'' he nodes awkwardly, looking away from my gaze, ''I–it was nothing, really.''

I nod in return, feeling my neck suddenly prickle with color.


I go upstairs to my slight room. Observing it closely, I can see: the documents, papers, and ink bottles all neatly settled inside the squared boxes. I suddenly desire to know what story is hidden before my previse gang, all ending up in this weird but shelter place.

I decide to examine the newspapers piled with the documents.

When I pick an old looking one, its pages immediately crumble in my palms. Before it all disappears to become dust, I catch a title that steals my breath away.


A small, ugly sound leaves my gushing dry mouth.

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