Chapter seventeen

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''Hello there.'' someone says, ''Are you okay?''

I suddenly realize somebody is patting my cheeks.

I jolt awake, immediately thrashing my fist blindly in the air–convinced that whoever this is means me harm. Just like everything else I ever have gone through in my life.

''No, no!'' I scream, ''Please don't take me away!''

''Calm down.'' they claim, holding me still. ''I won't take you anywhere without your acceptance, sweetheart.'' I don't believe them.

When my vision begins to adjust, and the person that first comes into view drowns me in ultimate panic and dread.

''You?!'' I shriek, ''Honestly, could my life get any crappier!?''

''Excuse me, ma'am.'' the bound-to-be emperor purrs, his voice a deep cold. ''I don't believe I introduced myself, I am–''

''Shush.'' I grumble, ''I know who you are. Every white-heart does.''

Seok-jin takes his time looking down at me. His white shoulder-length hair blending with the falling snow, while his eyes reflect the searing sky above us, dark and burning with inner tension. His face is as beautiful and striking as sweet storms and burning ashes. The burning gaze of the person I used to despise with the full of my heart. I still do–even if he doesn't remember me.

''Well, well.'' he mutters, bending down and caressing my cheek, ''I think I found us a brave-born-made-soldier.''

I think I found us a fine fighter. The past words of Gintanos sends a shivers racking through me.

I laugh, ''I'm never going to be your soldier.'' I slap his hand away, marking my point.

''You have no choice.'' Seok-jin Jules claims, ''I am to be your emperor.''

And I was supposed to be your empress if not for my father, is the thing I wish to spit at his face.

Why did my nemesis choose to wander in the human realm the same time I have? Some people might say it's pure fate, I'd say it's pure devilish misfortune. He might not remember that I am the princess he used to bully, he might not remember that he laughed the time I was exiled. But I do, and he'll pay.

When I finally look around, I find a large crowd of armed soldiers gazing down at us. All of them whom I don't recognize except for one; his name is Dimitri Chanyeol. He's beautiful, with bronze skin, curled dark hair, and muscles proving his masculinity. I hate him too, for that he used to belong to the gang of cruel friends Seok-jin used to come around with.

''I don't need your pity.'' I rasp at a woman looking at me as if I'm a lost child. Part of that is true...I am lost.

''You're covered in blood.'' a soldier states, narrowing his eyes at me suspiciously.

''Technically, I am. Thanks for the unrequired point of information.'' I may appear unbothered by the blood. But a small part of me weeps at how mercilessly I have killed a person that I used to consider a friend, a sister.

''Why do you have blood on you?'' Seok-jin asks, his voice having no room for argument.

I laugh, ''I stabbed a person in the stomach. Satisfied?''

''Not in the least.'' he growls, ''Why did you stab that person?''

''Because, they were trying to stab me too, genius!''

''That's not a way to talk to your emperor.'' Dimitri suddenly interprets, his eyes promising pure violence if I go on with my inappropriate manners.

I don't mind a challenge, so I say, ''Do I look like I give a fuck?''

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