Chapter thirteen

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I dream about a dark haunted forest. Trees closing dawn the paths like stretching hands, all muttering with the breeze of the wind, ''Traitor. Failure. Murderer.'' And again and again the trees kept whispering. The words carving inside me like knives, the wind rushing through my lungs like bullets, extending holes inside of me. But I kept running along the forest, not seeming able to stop. My legs dragging me away from the murmurs, away from the truth. My head spinning in an infinite circle of questions, all taking me back to the same result: my memories has been swept from me, my people believe me dead a long time ago, the gates of the planet of monsters are weakening, and I am a water lord; ocean commander, tornado maker and the queen of the sea. All this acknowledgement comes crashing into me in the dream, holding me hostage against reality.

Traitor. Failure. Murderer.


I suddenly bolt upright from the couch. A cold sweat trails on the back of my neck, while my throat aches like it's on fire. The nightmare felt so vivid–so terrifying and real.

I am a lost princess. This is who I am.

I just cannot hold it anymore, cannot hold the greedy urge to sink my nails into the ill emperor's throat, to feel his blood warm on my hands.

Moreover, he's already on his deathbed, dying like the traitor he is.

I want to scream and scream at my father until he understands his grave mistake: understand that banishing a made princess from her land is no small betrayal. The rumors are true; it's a curse that's eating him whole, not a mere illness. He betrayed ancient rules, no wonder he got it a taboo, a curse now stealing years from his long immortal life.


After changing into a grassy, mushed silky tank top, hoist leggings and woven shearling lined; I make my way down to the kitchen.

When I enter the carved wooden door, I can see Felix boiling onion soup, while Hyunjin fixes the sink, his head deep buried under the rusty, old vents. Momo is currently sitting on the chair beside the dining table, working on fixing her campus, its tail pointing north rather than south; which indicates that it's broken.

When I come into full view, they all turn to look at me. None of them utter a word until their gazes finish trailing for any injury left on my bodice.

''You're fine.'' Hyunjin breathes. I nod to his direction, a bit overwhelmed.

''How're you feeling?'' Felix asks, eyeing me curiously. He's the masculine version of Momo, considering they're twins.

''Better.'' I manage, almost jumping at my rusty voice. ''I'm a bit dizzy, that's all.'' I try to look more interested in looking at the evergreen walls than the Midnight Cats' piercing glares. The walls again changed color apparently, now youngly, brighter leaves than the later deep ginger. I have come to fathom this more. I also note the rising smell of cherry, blueberry cupcakes. I can already imagine how it would taste amazingly. My mouth instantly waters.

''Smutty Head!'' Lisa's sudden shriek startles me. I spin around, seeing her wearing leather brown pants, and lots of blades hidden inside her belt, their edges gleaming from the sunlight. Her hair is, for the first time, done into an untidy bun, making her look like a wild gangster–she's now pretty much lives up the style of her brother.

''This look suits you, my love.'' Hyunjin says, earning himself a chased kiss from his lover.

Lisa giggles, an emotion so much like love powdering her gray eyes.

''You wanted something?'' I ask, harsher than I intended.

''Yes.'' she throws me a concerned look my way before saying, ''I thought to tell you we'll be leaving tomorrow. I, ah, want you to start packing?''

''No need to lie, Lisa.'' I sigh, rolling my eyes.

''Oh, yeah. Fine.'' she scrubs her forehead, ''Can you come outside?''

I nod, following her outside the kitchen. Immediately, the smell of cherry and blueberry disappears, leaving my stomach aching. A low growl escapes my belly, making Lisa scoff under her breath, while she mutters, ''Glad I baked something.''

''Hey!'' I push her mockingly, ''You give yourself too much credit.''

''Oh no!'' she snaps, fisting my hair into her palm, while she muffles it, ''It's the other way around, Smutty head.''

''So.'' I gently take her hands from my ruined hair, ''What'd you want to say?''

''Ah, no.'' she chuckles, ''From the small creak of the door, I pretty much so your face going red as a beat. Therefor, I thought to come save you.''

I can feel my eyes widen slightly, before I throw my head back and roar into laughter.

''Have I mentioned how much I like you?'' I slam my palms on my knees. Breathless, I say, ''Oh, Lisa, you're such a witch!''

''Oi!'' she glares at me, her lips accidentally melting into a genuine smile. ''I wouldn't like my pride to be flushed into the toilet!''

I move my hand through the air as if clearing off the dust, I claim bluntly, ''Girl, a bit of cursing would do you some good.''

''How would that do me any good?''

''By feeling like a badass.'' I immediately reply, my shoulders loosening some tension of the past few days, ''Nayeon sounds like the girl who should have taught you that already.''

''Ah, yes.'' Another bubble of laughter bursts from her, ''You two seem to share the same 'Art of seduction'.'' She quotes my words, rolling her eyes.

''I bet you used the trick I told you.'' I smack her on the shoulder. ''See? And then you immediately won your prince.''

''True.'' she scoffs, winking at me before entering the kitchen once more.

I follow her inside, feeling lighted for the first time since weeks.

I follow her inside, feeling lighted for the first time since weeks

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