Chapter twenty-one

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Three weeks later.

Escaping the eighth Hell without the Devil's notice took more time than I anticipated. Although, after he mercilessly tried locking me in a cell that doesn't fit a full grown horse made it pretty clear I needed to leave that literal Hell.

Standing here, looking at the gate of The City Of Heartbreaks, I can't stop myself from admiring the sheer luxury of it all. The sixth phase of Hell is ruled by vampires, so I better look out for any stings or the flash of unmistakable fangs.

I near the towering, shining gates. I sneak within the barriers. Nobody notices, for all creatures here are busy crying over lost love or making more offspring. Another form of Hell all by itself.

My nose wrinkles in disappointment; I'll have to find a source of money soon enough for my plot to succeed. I think about the hut Taehyung mended to my injuries; perhaps I can go there for instance. But it's a huge risk of being caught; it might be the first place he'll check. Being of value to the Devil sure has its expenses.

Maybe I should leave Hell all together, go back to the Human Realm; but I also risk being killed by one of my father's followers. My father is dead, of course, but Seok-jin sure will follow his master's last orders.

Leaving my uncle Borten was another form of sacrifice itself, he taught me the history of the eight Hells, plus their rulers. He was patient and kind; listening to my points and endless questioning. However, I know that he's used now to the ways of his court. He revealed all his brother's–my father's–plans of undeclared war against the Hells in exchange for a safe home. The Devil granted him such, except for Borten had to turn into a vampire as a payment.

I have a sudden desire to scream my emotions out, but that'll attract a hell lot of shining fangs.

I decide to pass a bar, let my emotion get lost for a bit; I sure deserve the break.

I walk through the streets lightened by small lamps dangling along hooks. The sixth Hell today seems rather quite, much to arouse my suspicion. I look around, weary at any lingering creature.

There, near a dangling tree mushed with roses, is a small wooden villa possessing a sign that reads:

Blood & Honey:

later keep to trouble, early the needs will rubble

An idiot wouldn't see the double meaning to this, but it's easily recognized as a bar.

I march towards the house, keeping my steps light against the stone steps.

As I near Blood & Honey; distant cries of malice joy, and hysterically laughs finally fill the heavy silence. It eerily reminds me of Lady Lunatic, in the Human Realm. I despise that place; too many terrible things occurred there.

I enter the bar, overwhelmed because of the sudden noise. Buttles are being violently opened, many pals are witnessed fighting against each other–on-looker cheering their idol. Even some vampire adolescents are sharing a bottle of some type of lacquer.

I walk towards the bartender; she's a woman, with a lean feminine body and short red ivory hair. Just as my brain rakes that I've seen her before, she turns around to take my order.

Only we both do none of those things, for we are capable of doing nothing but stare at each other in genuine disbelief.


''You!'' I shriek, backing away. ''What are you doing here?!''

Without hesitation, she bounces at me, taking a knife from her pocket.

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