Chapter twenty

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''You know.'' I murmur, ''Because my father failed to make you forget.''

''No one shall remember who you were. You will be forgotten by all means that include Avanoska . Thy shall wake up in a new home, averting thy eyes as if nothing was ever more normal.''

This is what the emperor has enchanted, this was his phrase of curse. But, of course, Hell creatures aren't included within the jinx. They don't live in Avanoska neither are they white-hearts. They knew, the moment I neared their gates, that I am who I am.

''Correct.'' Taehyung answers. ''You're the princess's dying emperor.''

Frustration downs me, making me shake with unshed fury.

''I'm sure your Devil has got a tongue somewhere, no?'' I seethe, suddenly feeling quiet out of my skin.

The Devil's eyes flare, where their black has been is now a pool of red blood.

''In a matter of fact.'' The Devil finally speaks, his voice sending heat pouring down in my belly. ''I intend to keep you hostage here, princess Roseanne. You've got quite a price on your head. You do, unfortunately it appears to your expectations, have a huge play in this game.''

''A reminder, princess.'' he adds, choosing his words carefully, ''Speaking to me in such a manner might have your tongue severed at any further time.''

''Everyone believe s you dead, expect for your father and us–of course.'' Taehyung says, ''You'll be assigned by the servants' head. She'll give you chores to do everyday.''

I laugh bitterly, ''As if.'' I spit, ''I came all the way here to have a life, and you want me to clean your shoes? Yeah, right. I appreciate your high standards for dreams, but that just won't occur.''

''I will give you another option. Though it won't sound quiet as appealing.'' the Devil suddenly stands from his desk, his eyes pools of blood as I finally realize I am walking on thin ice. His heavy gaze makes me want to flee the study, but I stand my ground. ''You either do as you're told, or I shall throw you in a cell instead. Choose one.''

Fear hedges inside me.

''Fine.'' I breathe, forming fits at my sides. ''But what for? Why keep me here?''

''You might serve quite the surprise once the war takes place.''

That zeroes my attention. ''War?'' I rasp. ''What war?''

''That's quite enough questions for today.'' Taehyung says from behind me. While his master doesn't bother to spare me a second glance as he exits his office.

Realization hits me.

''Goddamn.'' I rasp, fear downing me. ''You're holding me hostage, aren't you? You seek war with the white-hearts.''

The door closes with a soft click as the Devil fully leaves, still not bothering to throw me a glance.

Taehyung chooses his words carefully, ''Depends on how their new emperor incloses around our request.''

''The Hell with fucking requests.'' I rage, unflexing my fists. ''Their new ruler is child's play, he used to be a warlord, what do you expect? Kim Seok-jin Jules is as dead as my father. Instead of planning war, we should reunite. The planet of monster's portal is opening; we need to fight back the incoming monsters!''

''That's the white-heart's realm problem.'' Taehyung seethes, stalking towards me. ''If you think the Devil gives a shit about the white-hearts' misfortunes, you're deeply mistaken.''

I bitterly laugh, ''Shame.'' I mutter, turning my back on the demon. ''Your plan won't work anyway, every white-heart has forgotten about me–thanks to my father's jinx–plus, he has made several attempts in murdering me already. He, as well, gives zero shits about my wellbeing. So you might as well stroke your balls to lessen your disappointment.''

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