𝟎𝟐. Comfort

915 12 5

874 words
T.W. really detailed description of self harm scars, fluff.

It's been three weeks since the incident had happened between Matt and his brothers and Matt has been doing a little better.
He has good and bad days. Sometimes Matt doesn't want to do anything more than laying on his bed and sometimes he gets really overwhelmed and begs for his blades. But Nick and Chris have been there for him as much as they can and comfort him on his bad days. They've been distancing Matt from social media and always make sure he's doing okay. Sometimes they ask Matt to show his wrists to see if he's still cutting. He hasn't been but Chris and Nick are still scared he will. Nick and Chris always keep an eye on him and offer comfort when they think he needs it.

Matt's in his bed, not having energy to get out and talk to anyone, not having energy to do anything. Tonight was the first night Matt slept alone again. He thought it'd be a relief. Having free space and not having to hear the snoring from one of his brothers. But he didn't expect it to be so empty. He didn't expect to miss Chris's warm arms in the morning, or Nick brushing through his hair with his gentle touch. Matt cried. He cried when he realized he missed his brothers presence with him. Cried himself to sleep when his brothers weren't there to sleep with him.

Matt's door slowly opens. He sees Nick turning his head around the corner. "Hey bubba, you okay? Do you need something?" He hears the worry lacing through Nick's voice. Matt hesitates. He does know If he's okay, he also doesn't know if he needs something. "Yeah.." he manages to get out.

Nick lets out a little laugh. "Yeah what? You need something or you're okay?" He says in a teasing voice. "Can you- ehm.." Matt begins. He's almost scared to bring out his sentence, embarrassed. Nick's face takes over with worry and pity again. "Can you just, lay with me?" His voice breaks.

Nick doesn't hesitate and walks over to Matt's side. He carefully pulls the covers up and lays down next to Matt. Who turns on his side to face Nick.

Nick shuffles closer to his brother, takes both of his wrists and pulls them close to his chest. He looks Matt in the eyes before pushing his forehead against his own. Matt lets out a deep sigh while tense leaves his body.

"You didn't like sleeping alone, did you?" Nick asks his brother while rubbing the boys hand.
Matt only shakes his head. "That's okay, we can sleep with you for a little longer if you want." He says with a sweet tone in his voice. "Thank you Nicky." Matt says. His eyes slowly close but Nick can see he isn't asleep.

"No problem bubs." Nick continues rubbing Matt's hand and slowly moves downwards towards the boys wrists. The further down he moves the bumpier he feels the skin getting under his hands. He gently strikes the swollen skin of his brothers arms. His scars being uneven and messy reveals the way they've been made. Nick connects all of the healing wounds in a comforting road over the skin. Matt's arms fill with goosebumps as he slowly opens his eyes.

"How aren't you disgusted?"
He asks. He looks Nick in the eyes. Nick looks right back at him with a soft and gentle expression. "I love you, Matt. Your scars don't mean I love you less, I could never be disgusted by you." Matt smiles and Nick wraps his arms around him to pull him closer. Matt hides his face in Nick's chest as Nick brushes his hands through Matt's hair.

"You're so soft, Nick. That's what I like about you. I never feel like I'm doing something wrong with you anymore."

Nick chuckles softly. "Well I'm glad about that Matty."

After a few minutes the door opens again. "Y'all cuddling?" They hear someone saying from the doorframe.

"Wanna join?" Matt chuckles as he turns his head towards the corner of his room where Chris stands. He hears Nick also laughing silently. A wide smile fills Chris's face. "You already know the answer to that." He grunts as he jumps on the bed, next to Matt. "Cm'ere Matty." Chris whines as he pulls Matt in for a hug who accepts it gladly. Matt wraps his arms around his brother who ruffles is hands through Matt's hair like he always does.

"I love you Matty." Chris says in a tiny voice while he presses a kiss on his brother's forehead. "Love you too Chrissy." Chris feels his heart warm after hearing the nickname Matt gave him years ago.

"Alright that's enough, give me Matt back." He hears Nick say in a teasing voice. Chris sticks his tongue out to Nick. Matt laughs as he turns to lay on his back. He rests his head on Nick's chest who wraps one arm around him. Chris lays his head against Matt's head in a sideways position and they both take one of his hands.

"You guys mean the world to me." Matt confesses.

"We love you Matty."

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