Chapter 41

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Dean snapped at him for jumpstarting judgment day, for which he wasn't the only one; I blamed him for not stopping Sam. "Maybe we let it happen. We didn't start anything. Right, Sammy?" Zachariah winked at Sam. I pushed past Dean. "You don't get to call him that. Dean and I are the only ones who get to call him Sammy, you dumb piece of garbage." I snapped when Dean held me back from smacking the living daylight out of Zachariah. "Keep your Sister on a tight leash, Dean. It doesn't concern her." Zachariah looked at me with a light side eye, but before I could say anything, Sam pulled me behind him where Chuck was hiding, who used the chance and hid behind me. "You had a chance to stop your brother, and you couldn't. So, let's not quibble over who started what. Let's say it was— all our fault and move on. 'Cause like it or not—it's Apocalypse Now." Zachariah said. "And we're back on the same team again," he added. "Hell no. We're not a team. You can get your dick ass back to wherever you came from." I snapped. Zachariah snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. Seriously, you tried to snap me away?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Im talking to Dean, not you silly girl." Zachariah snarked. "You think we want to be a team with you asshats?" Dean asked. "You want to kill the Devil. We want to kill the Devil. It's synergy." Zachariah twitched his shoulder a little bit. "Am I supposed to trust you?" Dean asked while I crossed my arms for the hundredth time today. "Cram it with walnuts, ugly," Dean grumbled at Zachariah. "This isn't a game, son. Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We must strike hard and fast now before he finds his vessel." Zachariah explained. "Lucifer needs a vessel?" I asked, confused and with a raised eyebrow. "He is an Angel. Thems the rules." Zachariah nodded his head before answering me. Zachariah offered his help, but Dean shook his head. Dean was angry at Zachariah for what he did to us, keeping us away from Sam doing something idiotic; the whole time hearing them argue, I didn't see the blood dripping down Sam's Hand. "You're bleeding." This brought me to look over at Dean. "Oh, yeah—a little insurance policy in case you dicks showed up." Dean moved the sliding door where a sigil was painted, pressing his hand against it. Zachariah screamed as a bright light made him vanish, as well as the other two angels. "This sucks ass," Chuck mumbled, making me giggle. Dean and I went to the motel, and Sam joined us a little later. Dean and I cleaned and loaded our guns. He passed Dean and me hex bags. "No way the angels will find us with those. Demons either, for that matter." he sat at the table before the window. "Where did you get it?" Dean asked while I put the hex bags in my pocket. "I made it," Sam replied. "How?" Dean and I wondered at the same time. "I...I learned it from Ruby." Sam quietly admits. I felt Dean get up from his chair and approach Sam. Dean got angry again. He was still not over the demon blood shit; I didn't know what to say or do. "Listen, Sam, if you could turn back the time and make everything different. Start building a time machine because, honestly, when I heard about what you did, I couldn't believe it." I finally snapped, turning my attention from my weapon to my journal. A knock on the door made me look up from my journal; with a look at Sam and Dean, I got up towards the door with my hand close to the hilt of my knife; when I opened the door, I saw a Woman standing in front of the door. "Hi," I asked skeptic. "Im looking for Sam and Dean," she told me. "Who are you?" I asked. "Im, Becky," she told me. I looked over to Dean, who gave me a nod. I opened the door entirely and allowed her inside. "Oh my god, you're Sam and Dean." She said as Becky saw my brothers. "Alright, calm down; yes, they are real, okay," I growled, still mad about what happened with Zachariah. "Mr. Edlund told me where to find you. He has a message for you," Becky said, ignoring me and looking at Sam. "Chuck?" Sam asked, getting up from where he had been sitting. "He's being watched. Angels. That's a nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting old."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Becky, either you tell us or get out." I snapped. "Kaylee." Dean snapped back. "He had a vision. "The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it." Becky said, which sounded like Chuck. "That doesn't make any sense," I mumbled. "The Michael Sword?" Dean asked. "Does he know where it is?" Sam asked. Becky was still ignoring me. "In a castle on a hill made of forty-two dogs." Becky phrased it probably also from Chuck's Vision. Dean asked again if he understood when Sam asked. Are you sure you got that right?" Becky nodded. "Yeah, It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said." Becky stepped closer to Sam when I walked between them, blocking her from approaching Sam. "You're close enough. Back off," I growled. "She's right." Dean watched Becky as she backed away after feeling Dean's arm brushing my arm. Becky tried one more time to get closer to Sam, but she got body-blocked by me. "Listen, sweetpea, you should better get out of here, or you will land on this floor with my foot on your throat." I snapped. Becky left a little after threatening her. I was relieved since I had a bad feeling about her. A knock on the door made me shriek, but it was just Bobby; when I hugged him, I smelled something weird about him. 

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