10 You are cute

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Kate POV

"What else do you want to do today? Should I cook us dinner here or do we want to go out? We could also order something in," I asked after we sat back down on the sofa.

The rain was still pouring down and the storm seemed to be getting closer and closer. I really tried not to let it make me nervous, but it was the kind of weather I never liked. Not even as a child.

"I say we start that nice fireplace you have here and cook together," Roman replied as he played with a strand of my hair.

"That sounds nice. You can take care of the fireplace and I'll find everything we need. I've got some pork chops. Hope that's okay... We can make roasted potatoes and a salad," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." he replied and pulled me off the sofa.

He immediately set about lighting a fire as I took everything we needed from the fridge and pantry. Then I turned on some soft music before lighting some candles.

I hummed softly as I heard the first crackling in the fireplace. It didn't take long for the warmth to spread through the room. It enveloped us like a warm blanket on a cold fall day.

"Done. What can I help you with?" Roman said as he came over to me.

He put one of his big hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. Before I could answer, he pressed a small kiss against my hair. I couldn't help but sigh contently.

"Thank you. If you want, you can wash the lettuce and the other vegetables," I finally replied.

But then there was a loud bang. Lightning must have struck somewhere nearby. I flinched and, out of reflex, I practically jumped into Roman's arms.

"Hey... Don't worry, baby girl. Everything's fine, I'm here. Nothing's happened." he immediately said reassuringly as he held me like this.

"I'm... sorry... I just got scared." I replied after I had calmed down again.

"No need to apologize. If it means I can hold you, you can scare yourself more often." Roman said, rubbing my back.

"Well, in that case, I might start liking thunderstorms," I mumbled shyly.


We spent the next few hours laughing and talking. It felt so good just to laugh light-heartedly. I couldn't remember how long it had been... well, before I met Roman, I hadn't had much to laugh about.

He kept reaching for my hand and rubbing little circles on it. Almost as if he was afraid I would disappear if he let go of me.

When the rain eventually subsided, it was already late at night. I tried in vain to stifle a yawn. Part of me didn't want this evening to end. Somehow there was something magical about it.

"I think it's time for bed, baby girl. I can see you struggling." Roman laughed softly as he noticed me rubbing my eyes.

"It's okay, really. I don't want to go to bed yet." I replied.

"We still have tomorrow. I won't just disappear if that's what you're afraid of." he said softly.

I sighed deeply. Yes, part of me was afraid that this was all just a dream.

"I'll take your word for it. All right. Come with me. You have a choice... So... um... You can sleep upstairs in the guest room, of course. Or well... or you could sleep with me.... Sorry I mean we can share my bed. God... I'm so awkward." I then started babbling unexpectedly.

"You're really cute when you get all shy. I'd love to cuddle with you. If that suits our little steps and you're comfortable with it. I don't want to cross any boundaries, of course." he replied.

"I'd really like that. I just didn't want to give you false hope. Because I don't think I'm... ready for other things yet." I said and played with my hands.

"Relax. I promised you. One step at a time. We'll take it nice and slow. I'll get my bag." he replied and gave me a kiss on the forehead to calm me down.

A few minutes later, we walked into the bedroom.

"Wow... um... what kind of content do you usually film?" Roman laughed nervously when he saw that the camera on the tripod was pointed at my bed.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry about that. I forgot to put it away. I have a sponsor who makes bedding and I was filming the new collection earlier today. That makes a really strange impression now," I replied, embarrassed, and quickly put the camera away.

"You're cute." he then said as he simply pulled me into his arms.

"I'm glad you think so. And you know what? You're even cuter." I replied and stood on tiptoe to give him a kiss.

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