38 Date and confrontation

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Roman POV

"You should have seen us out there, little man. We were on fire. You know... one day you might follow in our footsteps. I think the odds are pretty good. After all, you've got the genes from both sides of your family. Wrestling from my side and boxing and stuff from Mommy's side. Daddy could bet you will start fighting in kindergarden." I said to Destin as I walked him up and down our hotel room to make him burp.

"Please don't give him any ideas, Ro," Kate laughed from the bathroom where she was getting ready for our date.

"I don't know what you're talking about, baby girl," I replied, trying to sound innocent.

"Of course not. I heard every word. However, I hope he doesn't start fighting until he's at least in 3rd or 4th grade. Probably won't be that long, but a mom can dream." She called back.

"Oh daddy here has a dream too.... That his wife finally comes out of the bathroom so he can take her out on a date." I said quietly to the baby.

"I'm almost done." Kate replied to my surprise.

"How? How did you even hear me?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Babe, I have excellent hearing." she giggled.

"We're going to be in so much trouble someday, kiddo." I whispered, giving Destin a kiss on the head as the door finally opened.

"How do I look?" my wife asked me.

"I... Wow! All I can say is that I'm the luckiest man on the planet. Look at you, Katie. You look so beautiful! I'm not sure I even want to leave the room now though," I replied after I had managed to snap my jaw back up.

Kate was wearing a tight sage-colored dress that came down to her knees and gold high heels with little pearls. The color really made her eyes pop. The pearls were also in the jewelry she wore. Her long hair was in curls that fell smoothly over her shoulders.

"Thanks for the complement, babe. And ditto! I'm sure we can squeeze in a little more alone time after we've been on our date. But now I can't wait to show off my hot husband," she replied as she stepped in front of me and reached out.

She gave me a little kiss before taking the burp cloth off my shoulder and placing it on hers. Then she took Destin out of my arms so that she could give him a kiss too.

"Take the diaper bag and my clutch, Sir. The quicker we get back here," she said softly and probably seductively on purpose.

Together we took Destin to Naomi and Jimmy's room. I could tell that Kate found it quite difficult to leave the little man alone for the first time. But she didn't say anything about it. That meant she was very determined not to let this rare evening be taken away from her.

"Okay... Milkies are in the bag along with diapers and a change of clothes. Call us if anything happens... See you later and thanks again. You guys are the best." she babbled for what was probably the third time.

"Don't worry Katie cat... He's in the best hands. We can do this. Enjoy your date." Na said as she took the now fast asleep Destin from Kate's arms.

"Bye bye, Baby! Mommy and Daddy love you." she whispered und pressed a kiss to his forehead.


"God, this is such a beautiful night. I didn't realize how much I needed this.... just time with you." Kate sighed as we sat side by side on the restaurant's rooftop lounge, soaking up the view over the water and the city lights.

I had my arm around her shoulders and she was playing with my fingers as she leaned against me.

"You're right. We'll plan to do this more often. I promise." I replied and gave her a kiss on the hair.

"We really should. I mean, I miss Destin like crazy... But I don't want you to forget that you're just as important to me." Kate said softly.

"Baby, I'll never forget that. And I promise you that we'll always have opportunities to do something special." I replied.

But before she could say something more, we both heard a voice that we didn't want to hear at that moment when it was just the two of us.

"Well, well, well... Look at that... If it isn't the coward who let herself get knocked up to avoid a fight." Becky's voice mocked right next to us.

Seth was standing right behind her with his usual cocky grin on his face.

"Oh you're fucking kidding me, right? Can't you just leave people alone? Wasn't it bad enough that you ruined one of the most special moments of our lives for us?" Kate hissed and jumped to her feet.

I did the same, just in case things got ugly and I had to hold her back.

"Actually, no. You still owe me the opportunity to show the world what a loser you are." Becky laughed in her face.

"Trust me. The only thing the world will see is that you're still just as pathetic and obsessed with me. You've already proved to them once how petty and snooty you are. And when the time comes, I'll put you in your place once and for all," Kate replied, surprisingly calmly.

I knew that this confrontation would happen at some point, had to. However, it was Becky who didn't know that it would probably happen sooner than she thought.

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