40 Last Woman Standing

176 20 12

Kate POV

The camera followed me as I put the finishing touches to my ring gear. I laced up my boots tightly before taping my wrists. A glance in the mirror showed me that the look had turned out exactly as I had imagined it back then. Even if the black cargo pants were a little tighter than before my pregnancy. So did the cropped vest. But that didn't bother me because, to be honest, I loved my new hips and bigger boobs.

I dampened my hair and brushed my finger over my lips before leaving the dressing room. The producer called Cut. I guess they had everything they needed. And I would be able to use the material for my channel as well. For a different kind of Get ready with me.

"Thank you, Kate! That was good. See you at Gorilla in 20 minutes." he said before he and the cameraman headed off.

And I did the same. Because at that moment, there was only one person I wanted to see in those last few minutes leading up to my grand entrance. I hurried to find the spot where the photos were being taken. I paused for a moment and watched my husband pose.

A smile appeared on my lips when I saw him like this. What a happy woman I was... Sometimes I really couldn't believe it.

"Hi Ro..." I said when they were finished too.

"Katie? Wow, that's amazing! You look like me, only a million times better." he replied when he saw me in the ring gear.

"I beg to differ. No one looks as good in them as you do. Except maybe if you put on white ring pants one day. I would melt. Just like the rest of the world." I said and put my arms around him.

Roman's hands wandered around me and slipped into the back pockets of my pants. He squeezed my butt a little as he smirked at me. Too bad we didn't have time to make out.

"Are you ready to show her who's the boss?" my husband asked quietly as we walked hand in hand to the gorilla a few minutes later.

"You bet I am. And please promise me you won't worry too much. I have an excellent plan. The firehead won't know what hit her and it will be over quickly. And then tomorrow we'll be a normal family again. Or as normal as we can be," I replied.

"Sorry, but I can't promise you that. But I know that I will still support you. I'll be waiting right here when you get back. And now show her what a Reigns is made of, baby girl. I love you." he said and gave me a kiss as my music started to play.

"I love you too. Oh and keep an eye on Seth." I replied just as the two of them stepped through the curtain.


Roman POV

As I watched Kate make her way to the ring, I couldn't help but worry about every possible scenario. I took a deep breath. We had all prepared her as thoroughly as possible. Now it was up to her. And she was really angry and determined. That couldn't mean anything good for Becky.

I could almost feel her eyes drilling into my back as she waited for her turn. However, I tried not to pay attention to either of them. My attention was focused on the monitor and therefore on my wife.

The minutes seemed to drag on endlessly until both women finally arrived in the ring. They crept around like wild cats in a cage.

The bell rang and it started. Becky immediately tried to throw a punch at Kate. But Kate was quicker. A powerful clothesline sent her to the mat, causing the referee to count for the first time. The look on Becky's face was priceless. Like she couldn't believe what had happened.

Kate, however, didn't wait for Becky to get back to her feet. Instead, she slid out of the ring and pulled everything she could find from underneath it. The crowd cheered loudly as she set up the first table. My stomach was in knots though.

I watched as Becky dragged her back into the ring by her hair. But my wife hit her with a kendo stick. And she hit her hard. She stumbled around until she was kneeling on the mat again. But Kate didn't wait for the count, instead she gave her a superkick to the chin.

But Becky didn't stay down this time either. This time she managed a few punches and even suplexes. None of this kept Katie on the ground. Again and again she managed to get to her feet in time. Now it was Becky who was looking for weapons. She brought a table and a couple of chairs into the ring. With one of them she punched Kate in the stomach before moving to place the table in the corner.

Kate struggled to her feet and waited for her opponent to turn around. The little smirk on her face told me I'd better not blink now. It was only a second later when she gave her a beautiful superman punch. I was almost bursting with pride, it was so excellent. When Destin was older, I'd show him what his mommy could do, I thought to myself.

However, even that was not enough. Becky wobbled and pulled herself to her feet by the ropes. Then she pulled something out. I don't know where they suddenly came from, but now she was holding handcuffs close to her. That wasn't good at all.

Kate set up the chairs and obviously hadn't noticed any of this. Or at least that's what I thought. And Becky probably did too. She stormed towards her and was definitely going to grab her hand to tie her to the ropes. That's when it happened. Kate spun her around, took that little running start and speared Becky and herself through the table in the corner.

"Holy shit!" I screamed as the audience went absolutely nuts.

Now both women were down. The referee counted, but they both got back up just in time. That was close, he had already been at 9. Becky grabbed Kate's hair again. She pulled her onto the top rope with her. At that moment, my heart beat a million times faster.

They were brawling. It was a wild back and forth. Becky kept trying to perform a superplex, but Kate resisted. Eventually my wife had the upper hand. Faster than you could watch, she countered it into a Belly-to-Belly Suplex... to the outside. Both women crashed together through the table that had been there since the beginning of the match. Becky took the majority of it though.

I was amazed that Kate was back on her feet almost immediately. That was it, for sure. That had to be it. The referee counted. Suddenly I saw Seth rushing towards the curtain.

"Where do you think you're going?" I shouted at him and simply put him in a headlock.

That way he couldn't interfere. And it looked like Kate wanted to end things once and for all. As Becky struggled to get back up and clung to the ring apron, Kate reached under the ring.

She then pulled one of Becky's legs around the post only to attach shackles to both of her ankles. Kate laughed as Becky raged and tried to undo the shackles. However, this was only possible with a key. And Kate held it in her hand and waved it in front of Becky's face. She pulled herself up to the ring as the count started again.... 8...9...10! It was over. Kate had done it.

Her victorious look was all I needed to know that this was worth all the trouble. She had shown the world, and me, that she was more than just a YouTuber. She was so much more. Her talent knew no bounds and neither did my love for this woman and our son.

At that moment, I could hardly wait to dedicate ourselves to our next project. And that was the big wedding with all our friends and families.

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