31 Naps and future

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Roman POV

As I got dressed and checked my bag to make sure I had everything, I watched Katie snuggle up in bed in our hotel room. We had just come back from lunch. That meant it was now time for her daily afternoon nap.

She had done this every day for the last few weeks. Even twice on particularly exhausting days. Of course, when I was at home I also took the opportunity to take a nap with my wife. After all, it took a lot of energy for her to grow our baby. Part of me could hardly wait to hold the little bundle in my arms.

"Okay, baby girl. I'll be on my way. Do you need anything else? Water or something?" I asked as I sat down next to her on the bed and stroked her hair.

Kate buried her head in the pillow before sighing deeply. I could see how hard it was for her to keep her eyes open.

"No. I don't think we need anything. But thanks anyway. I'll come to the arena as soon as I've had a good long nap." she replied tiredly.

"You do that. Okay... I love you and you." I said and gave her and the baby a kiss.

"We love you too, babe. Take care of yourself. Oh, wait... Are you sure you want to go on a date after the show?" she asked quickly as I got up to grab my things.

"Of course. I can't wait to see you in that new dress." I replied and winked at my wife.


After the security check, I wandered through the corridors to find my locker room. But then I suddenly heard an unmistakable voice.

"Oh hi, Roman! Where is your better half at? I thought she was coming with you this week?" Naomi asked me and I immediately heard the disappointment in her voice.

"Hope you're having a good day too. Kate's taking a nap right now, but she'll come over afterwards. So you'll have to be a little patient," I chuckled.

"Sorry about that. I'm just so excited. I haven't seen Kate for a while. How is she and the baby?" she wanted to know.

You'd think it had been many months, but it was actually only 6 weeks. And they talked on the phone a lot.

"They're both doing great. I'm sure Kate will bring the ultrasound pictures for you to see," I replied.

"Oh, she'd better! After all, she promised me." laughed Na.


Kate POV

With a big yawn and still tired, I set off in search of my husband. There were so many corridors and corners behind the scenes that it wasn't easy not to get lost in some of the venues. Good thing there were always lots of people around to help me.

"Katie cat! Finally! What took you so long?" called a familiar voice.

Less than three seconds later, Naomi had pulled me tightly into her arms and hugged me warmly.

"Hi Na... I guess you missed me?" I laughed.

"You can count on it. How are you, sweetheart? And how's our baby?" she wanted to know.

"Our baby?" I asked.

"Yes, part of a big family... so it's ours." she replied, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Well in that case... Our baby is doing great." I said and pulled the ultrasound pictures out of my purse to show her.

"Awww... Look at that! So tiny. You guys did a good job." she replied, touched.

"Thank you. We're pretty proud of it too." I said.

"Have you talked about where you want to live in the future? I mean, I guess you want to settle in before the baby comes, right?" she asked.

"Yes, that would be best. And after a lot of back and forth, we agreed on what makes the most sense. I'm moving in with Roman in Florida. We thought about my house, but at the end of the day it's too small for us as a growing family. With my filming equipment and lots of other stuff and everything. Plus, there would be no room for a gym.... Apart from the master bedroom and the office, we would only have the guest room. If we were to have more children at some point, we would have to move anyway.

I love my little house in the woods. Just the idea of selling it broke my heart. That's why my husband had a great idea. We'll keep it and hire a caretaker to rent it out on Airbnb. That way we earn what it costs to upkeep and can use it ourselves whenever we want,' I replied.

"That sounds like a great idea. And you'll be even closer to me. That way I can always visit you and the baby. Oh, and I think you'll have a lot of fun filming the redecorating." she said.

"I will. Ro knows his style doesn't suit me 100%. He thinks we can make it ours together. Especially because a lot of his furniture isn't particularly child-friendly anyway," I replied.

"That reminds me... Did you say husband earlier? Did I miss something?" she wanted to know as she stood in front of me.

But before I could answer, long, strong arms wrapped around me from behind and he gave me a kiss on the neck.

"Hi baby girl." he whispered in my ear.

"Hi husband." I replied before turning my head to give him a kiss.

"So really now? You're married? I thought you were just engaged. Why didn't you tell me?" Na wanted to know.

"Yes, but don't worry... We're still having a big party. Ro just wanted me to, you know, not have to deal with anxiety attacks. We wanted to do something just for us and it was perfect." I explained to her as I stroked Roman's hands.

"So that means I still get the chance to be maid of honor?" she asked.

"Well... I guess you'll have to fight my sister Jamie for it... but I wouldn't mind having two maids of honor either." I replied.

"Oh believe me I'd be willing to fight. Do your parents know about this big step? I hope so, because I can't keep secrets to myself." she then said.

"Yes, they know. They got to know each other last week and they get along well. They're not enthusiastic, but they understand our reasons. Not that it's important. This is just about us." my husband replied quickly and rubbed my tummy reassuringly.

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