26 All the turmoil

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Kate POV

To say that a lot of people were mad as hell at me was easily the understatement of the century. Yes, I admit knocking Becky out was not very professional, but she 100% deserved it.

How dare she? Not only all the digging, but also tracking Don down and getting him to come to the show. What exactly did she expect to get out of it? Well... It certainly wasn't what she had gotten. At least not quite. She had, however, successfully exposed something from my private life. Something I still tried to forget.

The comments and videos were almost unbearable, even though I tried to ignore most of them. However, it was difficult when some fans tried to cause trouble on my channel. As a result, I was almost forced to make a video statement, which I had actually sworn never to do. But even though I wanted to protect my privacy, it was necessary to let people know the truth. And I didn't give a shit how petty it made Becky look or how it exposed Don. In my eyes, they both deserved it.

But the people in charge at WWE didn't see it quite so black and white. I got into a lot of trouble. At least from some of them. Others simply welcomed what had happened.

Of course, this also had an impact on the preparations for the match. When we were rehearsing for the match, they didn't take their eyes off us for a second. Maybe it was for the best, because I knew that Becky would have loved a cheap shot and I couldn't guarantee anything if she confronted me again.

"How did that look?" I asked Naomi as we made our way to the locker room together.

"Very good. But I can tell that she's really pulling herself together to do the job. How's your head? That one landing wasn't so nice..." she replied.

"Don't ask... I just want to get to the next town so I can get to the hotel. Have you heard from our guys?" I wanted to know.

A lot of the other wrestlers including Roman and the twins were overseas for a few shows and to promote upcoming big events. They were supposed to be back this morning. Unfortunately, their departure had been delayed again and again because the pilots and ground staff at many airports were on strike.

"Yes... They were finally able to board a flight. Should be taking off any minute now. If all goes according to plan they should arrive in time for the show tomorrow. The bad news is that they probably won't have wifi." she replied.

I sighed deeply. This wasn't how I had imagined the whole thing. I wanted Roman by my side. Especially now with all the turmoil.

"Great... Then I can't even call Ro." I said, rubbing my head.

Suddenly I felt sick and just in time managed to lean over one of the garbage cans before it all came up. Naomi quickly grabbed my hair and held it for me.

"Okay... that was the second time in two days... Who exactly said you didn't have a concussion?" she asked.

"Naomi, don't worry about it. I'm sure the doctors here know what they're doing. I have to go to the last fitting. Are you coming with me? Please say you're coming!" I replied as I finished and took a sip from my water bottle.

"First we'll go to the doctor... That's much more important. You have to be in best shape tomorrow. And the show starts in an hour. You still have time for everything else. But maybe go change and brush your teeth first." she said, nudging me gently in the right direction.

"I promise you I'll be fine... My head just needs to get used to it. That's all." I tried to contradict her.

"Nice try... Roman would kill me if I didn't take care of you." she then said with a laugh.

"I didn't need a babysitter, you know?" I commented.

"Maybe not, but someone has to make sure you don't get into any more trouble. You can get back at her tomorrow in the ring. A few unplanned punches here and there... I'm sure you'll like that," she replied.

And with that we set about doing just that. I didn't want her to tattle on me to Ro. After all, I had promised him to be careful with myself. Besides, I wanted to be in the absolute top shape for tomorrow.


It was only a few minutes until Smackdown started when I was called into one of the trainers' rooms to find out if everything was okay. The serious faces and the presence of Hunter couldn't mean anything good.

"Are you all right? You have to make an announcement. Normally we wouldn't do that... But since your scheduled match has attracted a lot of attention, we have to address it. Don't worry, nothing special... Just that you're not cleared to compete. Afterwards, you'll get your things and we'll have you taken to the airport. I don't want you anywhere near Becky because I'm sure she'll be anything but thrilled. All right? I don't want anything to happen to you," Hunter explained to me as we walked towards the gorilla together.

My head seemed to be in a fog. Only slowly did I start to think again. I took out my phone and immediately tried to call Roman. But of course he was sitting in a plane about 8 miles above the ground. And it would be many hours before I could reach him.

Nevertheless, I left him a voice message in the hope that maybe they did have access to the internet. I had to talk to him. He was the only one I wanted to talk to now... needed to.

"Here's your mic. Let's go." they said to me and played my music.

Everything inside me fluttered as I walked outside and into the ring like I was remote controlled. I heard nothing around me. Not the boos, not the cheers. Just my heartbeat.

"Hello everybody and welcome to SmackDown. Before we start the show, I have a little announcement. Don't worry I'll be quick. As you know, I was supposed to have my very first match in a WWE ring tomorrow. However, I was informed a few minutes ago that I have not been medically cleared.

I'm sorry to be such a disappointment. Even though I know that there will be quite a few people who will be happy about it. But you should know... Postponed is not canceled. Sooner or later I will come back to take revenge on Becky." I said almost automatically, but had trouble keeping my voice steady.

Tears were already welling up in my eyes as I tried to make my way back. But I didn't get far, because of course the Irish firehead still had something to say.

"No, no, no... No! You're not getting off that easy! I want to know exactly what's wrong with you! Because it looks to me like you've weasled your way in here and now you're having a fit of chickenshit. You little bitch, you're too cowardly to face me because you know you won't be able to land another sucker punch," Becky ranted as she stomped towards the ring.

Immediately, she was stopped by several members of security. They tried to guide her back out. But they were unsuccessful. That's how angry she was.

"I promise you I'm not a coward. In fact, I would love to kick your spoiled, bony ass. And I will do it one day. But for now, you have to live with the fact that I... that I am not medically cleared," I replied.

I watched as she tore herself away from the security guards and slid into the ring.

"Excuses, nothing but excuses! You're scared! Admit it! You're chickening out because not even two hours ago you were well enough to practice. You're lying! You bitch, are-" she hissed in my face and grabbed my hair.

"Pregnant! I'm pregnant, bitch!" I yelled at her and everyone in the arena fell silent as she quickly stepped away from me.

Wrong Number [a Roman Reigns story]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя