Pandemic Panic

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Everyone Remain Calm

Hey people:
Don't panic,
This pandemic is plenty pathetic.
Pathogens, penguins, party people party less-
Purple cells, purple gels,
Come and get your purple pills.
But please don't panic,
We'lol  with bannock.
But before you post your post,
Filter, edit, beautify.
isolate and disinfect.

But some of us are lost down here,
Some of us are lost.
Our panic is the result of pieces of peace mislaid. The pandemic picking places to petrify the people, and our own pictures fall apart.
Some of us are struggling, we swing in the dark.
But the beasts we battle are broken promises.
Politics and parliament,
Decisive, derisive, destructive dismay.
Pollution, predictions, pesticides, herbicides, homicides, perjury.
And we are just floating in the middle asking,
Policing, polite thing, races and race.
Words hurt, watch a movie, so lost.

Some of us are coming undone down here,
We are coming undone.

ElizaBeth ARt

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