The Hermit Year

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I don't initiate contact as much as I should.
Withdrawn in my world,
With my dog and my bird.
The Rats yell for hay,
And the puppies pooped here.
The dragons need love,
And Polly needs to run.

There's not much to say.
My whole world in a box.

But then I go there,
And I give it my all.
I try to make reason,
I'm doing my best.
I play and I listen,
My cup overflows.
Then back to my world in a box do I roam.

So I don't send the text,
I forgot the snap shot.
I'm lost in my world of my own little dome.
I glance at a picture,
You walk through my mind;
I forget to remember to drop you that line.

So I don't initiate contact,
I know that I should.
But it's not from a lack of thinking of you;
There's not much to say,
My world in a box.

ElizaBeth Art

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