The Devil is in the Details

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The Devil is in the Details
Detail traps and trips and tangles,
Tricks and nets and snares to fare.
Those itty bitty tiny details,
Finite things like fleas in hair.

Some twist might lurk in lucid structures.
The negative nuance of doctrine gnarls,
Cryptic scripture, crumpled page.
Bitter rivals raged between us,
Reenforced, passed through the age.

Fractured factions,
Challengers challenged, silenced and shamed.
Fingers pointed, sentence levied.
Fines enforced, shackled and caged.

If discovered, err was valid:
Hands are washed, the details blamed.

Since the devils in the details stay attached to what they must:
Surely its' the leading reason,
For Devastation and distrust.

Could freedom from the devils details,
Be unwinding every thought?
Finding peace where it is wanting.
Giving pardon to the caught.

Placing boundaries for agreement,
Take the trigger from the gun.

Let the moon and stars together,
Not negate: there is a sun.

Freedom needs a thing to free from,
Since oppression needs a chain.
So without the devils details,
This would never be a game.

For the details define structure,
Create conflict and disdain.
Each vessel, without detail:
Is immaculately the same.

So the devil and his details have a reason and a rhyme.
Though the thoughts of life without ,
Surely make us feel sublime.
Essential battles so much needed,
Whereas others-
Simply not.

By a grace that was provided,
With a glimpse behind the veil.
How the balance that is needed;
is the shadow of detail.

While to shine a light upon it,
Causes shudders of dismay.
That the only way to travel, is upon the narrow way.

Where the details lose their power,
squished beside us on that path.
Barely room for them to struggle,
snagged by thorns as we pass.
The love resides within the spirit,
growing stronger every day.

Then the devil in the details has no hold,
and has no say.

ElizaBeth ARt

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