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Dear Louis
Thank you so much for your efforts, I can see you are really trying to be good at this.
Here's the thing,
I'm going to be a real friend to you:
You're terrible at this job.
Kinda like how a real friend tells you that you suck at karaoke, but still claps and supports your drunk ass.
You suck at phishing, but I applaud your attempts.
Think of it as a first date.
If you come into the date forcing your tongue down her throat and dry humping her leg...
You won't ever make it to the bedroom.
You need to ease into it, make her comfortable and build trust.
If you raw dog a victim, she's gonna scream rape.

But the thing is, I think you should find a new career. Scamming people is bad karma, the lowest form of insidious malfunction. You need to bring up your vibration and rise above the temptation to be a twat waffle.

Cheers mate.

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