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I feel I am in the sea, navigating right now. I cannot fathom the magnitude of the storm. I am focused on each brake in the water, each plunge to the side.
It feels so much bigger than me,
Being a manager is...
To care, so intricately and separately- yet collectively and with an all-encompassing responsibility to life.
To lives.
The individuals in care- their lives are complete and absolute in their reliance on "us" to ensure their safety, health, enjoyment and comfort.
It relies so heavily on those who tend to their every daily need- spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.
That- is massive.
And also the carers who care- 8 hours a day, in shifts.
And their lives- their ability to provide that massive amount of care.
Their emotional, mental, physical and personal ability- both individually and as a team.
That's huge.
And then the home- it's up keep. Transportation. Financials. Safety protocols for any and all event. Inventory and stock.
Tracking and charting.
Relationships with teams of supports, community, funding bodies, communications...and so on -
Reporting on all levels of concern, and keeping track without dropping balls...
It is as invigorating and liberating as a lung- full of ice cold air.
But as humbling as a hand from the grave, grasping you under the quicksand of "doing the right thing!"
Feeling the weight of a wrong step, like dodging Godzilla.

And the sense of constant having something to be sorry for-but unsure what.

Finding the balance, in the supports provided by other people, feeling this same sense of "unknowing"- yet with confidence, sharing the tools to bridge that gap.
And the gratitude of the "wins", when the right choice was made!

Being a manager is the greatest adventure of strength, bravery and kindness.
What a blessing to be given the opportunity.

With thanks.

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