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I want to show you the nature of obsession.

It begins with a thought.
A flash.
An image.
An idea.

And grabbed from the sea of a million inflections,
That one in a billion takes form.

We focus,
Hone in on it,
Think on it,
Roll it around,
Dwell on it,
Feel it out.
As it takes form.

Then we can't shake it off.
Keeps popping up.
Around corners, creeping up.
It's all we think about,
Talk about,
Twirl about.

To obsess is to stress on it.
Think on it.
Live, breathe and sleep on it.
Focus on in on it.
Complain about it.
Refrain from it, miss it, so come back to it.
Altered perceptions all based on it.
Conspire for it,
Plan out and goal set for it.
Forget about it, but it creeps back in.
That is it's nature.
Attached to addiction,
Obsessive, compulsive, habitual, in nature.

ElizaBeth ARt

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